Anonymous ID: c4b5d7 May 31, 2019, 4:47 a.m. No.6635640   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6635589 (LB)



>What is the point of holographic smoke? What's the goal with that?


First of all, nobody said the smoke was a hologram you jackass. The video clearly shows that the video was layered/expanded/doubled.


Are you denying the video has been obviously faked?


Further, I said that the second plane was a hologram. You are clearly and purposely confusing the points to muddy the water.



>Or what is it that holo theory types

like yourself


Shove your label up your ass. 767s do not fly at the speeds and altitudes attributed to them in the 9/11 Commission Report.


The "Ball" object is approximately 60x60. It is clearly not the size of a Boeing 767.



>are trying to say is the ultimate lie behind 9/11?


I am not "trying" to say anything. I am stating that the same high tech MIC companies that profit from WAR, are the same high tech MIC companies that are members of the Direct Energy Professionals Society (, and that their combined energy weapons and quasi-crystal hologram technologies were used in unison to pull America into another unnecessary war that the MIC companies can profit from.


Is that too complex for your mind?



>Do you even believe there was an actual attack at all?


Well now you are just being juvenile.