Anonymous ID: c7aa52 May 31, 2019, 7:19 a.m. No.6636313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6343



MSM says nothing, we do nothing?


If this country/POTUS lets him die in a UK prison, then we are NO better than the DS we'd like to take down. If we are the news, then president Trump needs to hear from us. No media coverage = no change.


He was responsible for Trump getting a lot of votes since he started the red pill process for so many people. Would we even know so much about Hillary, etc without Assange? Do you climb over him on the way up and then dispose of him? That's our deep state, not us.


There's also the freedom of the press to consider. Even if he gave password advice, I think he's paid enough. He's now too ill to communicate well. He needs to be here, getting better medical treatment. And PARDONED for whatever they think he did. And time seems to be growing short.


Please, Pres Trump, don't let him die over there. He needs saving NOW.


"Julian Assange is showing all the symptoms associated with prolonged exposure to psychological torture and should not be extradited to the US, according to a senior UN expert who visited him in prison.


Nils Melzer, UN’s special rapporteur on torture, is expected to make his appeal to the UK government on Friday. It comes after Assange, the co-founder of WikiLeaks, was said by his lawyers to be too ill to appear by video link for the latest court hearing of the case on Thursday.


Assange has been moved to the health ward of Belmarsh prison, London, where he has been serving a 50-week sentence for skipping bail while fighting extradition to the US. He is accused of violating the Espionage Act by publishing secret documents containing the names of confidential US military and diplomatic sources.


After meeting Assange earlier this month in the company of medical experts who examined him, Melzer will say on Friday that he fears the Australian’s human rights could be seriously violated if he is extradited to the US and will condemn what he describes as the “deliberate and concerted abuse inflicted for years” on him."