Anonymous ID: 943146 May 31, 2019, 7:37 a.m. No.6636407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6425 >>6954

>>6636368 pb


anon knows very little about history.


"we" occupied Florida and Texas, both Spanish territories.


after battles, skirmishes, and a review of logistics, Mexico agreed to give us Florida if we btfo Texas. we agreed.


then pushed settlers to Texas, and gave it a pseudo US flag, w/ one star.

throw in the Alamo FF (remember the Alamo, the Maine - more in a sec-, Pearl harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, ~~the USS Liberty~~, 9/11… you get the idea)


we kicked Mexico's ass. they ceded a huge chunk of the SW CONUS, with a border established at the Naches River. we eventually usurped that chunk between the

Nnaches and the Rio Grande as well.


manifest destiny, from sea to shining sea. remember the Maine (from above)? the Spanish-American war - Monroe Doctrine thing - that is still our relationship with Cuba today.


and as an aside, 54 40' or fight - we were going to take western Canada as well.


history is written by the victors.

Anonymous ID: 943146 May 31, 2019, 7:39 a.m. No.6636425   🗄️.is 🔗kun


footnote: Mexico ceded in 1847.


the gold discovery at Sutter's Mill was 1848.

think about all the mercenaries that could have been bought a year or two earlier?