Anonymous ID: b434f2 May 31, 2019, 7:38 a.m. No.6636416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6496

Nevada Gov. Sisolak Vetoed a Bill to End The Electoral College


Nevada governor Steve Sisolak (D) today vetoed a bill which would have pledged Nevada’s six electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote for the President of the United States, or in other words nullifying Nevada’s voters and allowing California, Texas. Florida and New York to decide all of our elections. It would really simplify things – the rest of us could just not bother to vote, and candidates would save all sorts of money.


What is appalling is that a legislature would produce such a bill, or that our schools should be so deficient in teaching the basics of what our founders struggled to do when they devised the Constitution.


The origin of the whole thing was, of course, Democrats’ rage that Hillary won the popular vote and lost the general election. But the Left is fairly unfamiliar with the Founders, interested only in whether they owned slaves or not — because they learned their history from Howard Zinn, and assume that this country is evil, and will not be improved until governed entirely by the Left, or something like that. If you need a copy, the Cato Institute has dandy little pocket-sized versions as does Amazon.

Anonymous ID: b434f2 May 31, 2019, 7:41 a.m. No.6636432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6684 >>6898 >>7055 >>7098 >>7108

Pakistan sentences two, including senior military officer, to death for espionage


A military court in Pakistan has sentenced two men to death and one to 14 years in prison for espionage. The alleged spies, who have been named, include a lieutenant general and civilian employee of a security agency. In February, several Pakistani news outlets reported that “an international spying network” had been dismantled in the country following the arrests of at least five intelligence and security officials who were working for foreign interests. Soon afterwards, the online reports were taken down and nothing more was said about the arrests. But on Thursday, Pakistan’s Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), the media wing of the country’s Armed Forces, said in a statement that three men had been sentenced for “espionage/leakage of sensitive information to foreign agencies” which “prejudiced national security”.

Anonymous ID: b434f2 May 31, 2019, 7:48 a.m. No.6636470   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just think if the U.N and AOC get their Green Agenda Passed and with the idiots we have in congress and running for President that support it ..then it will be worse then this


Feds Jailed and Fined Husband for Digging Ponds on Own Land; Widow Seeks Relief


Lawyers for a recently deceased Montana man’s estate say, despite his death, they may yet have a chance to challenge his federal convictions for digging ponds on his property without the government’s permission.


“Congress hasn’t authorized the agencies to tramp around on people’s property just because there is a little water on it,” senior attorney Tony Francois of the Pacific Legal Foundation told The Epoch Times.


Nor has it authorized the agencies to put people “in jail for acting to protect their property,” said Francois, who represents the estate.


Property owners have long been angered by what they consider to be the federal government’s heavy-handed regulatory approach to making rules about bodies of water on private lands.


The government claims the right to regulate even tiny bodies of water on private property under the “navigable waters rule” under the Clean Water Act (CWA), which gave the government authority to regulate interstate commerce by prohibiting discharges into the nation’s “navigable waters.” The thinking was that the CWA applied to a body of water if it could be used to transport goods from one state to another.