Anonymous ID: c4b21b May 31, 2019, 7:41 a.m. No.6636437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6978

I believe in coincidences and Q/Q+ code: Revisit of 'John S.'


On May 29, at 8:46:39 PM POTUS T-6071 pointed to 'Hannity.' In same tweet POTUS links 'Hannity' and 'Levin.' Both equate to 'Number One:' 'Hannity' for his '9:00 P.M.' show, 'Levin' for his book. Do you see it. I faithfully reproduced critical details, including a human engineered quirk, possible/plausible cipher. Do you see it?


Q often asks, 'Do you believe in coincidences,' 78 times current total! Yes I do, believe in such, having run hundreds of databases thousands of times, written far more lines, yes coincidences do form, often. Many things can be called data quirks, statistically probable, coincidences, obviously not directly humanly engineered, significant. The fact is we only have 26 letters, 10 numbers, a handful of common punctuation. The fact is most vocabularies are rather restrictive, small. Randomly recognizable patterns, quirks, generate, emerge. But do not mistake that type of quirk for human engineered quirks which can equate to code, clandestine meaning stuff only seen and understood by the initiated. We are the Q initiated, deciphers of Q, Q+ code. When we see it we have to call it.


'9:00 P.M.': remove my quotation marks and you have pure POTUS as he gave it. See it yet? Who, especially in tweet economy mode, uses P period M period? That's a human engineered quirk, cumbersome and needlessly prolific. You like my verbosity? It helps to make the point. Q+ attaches his quirk directly to 9:00.


POTUS next tweet T-6072, same date, came at 8:59:43, determined by Q sanctioned and blessed qmap. What is delta between the previous, Q+ appointed/admonished 9:00 and 8:59:43? BINGO! We know deltas are being engineered to the second. What is the code from previous tweet. . YES PERIOD. Where is the quirky, human engineered, period in this new tweet T-6072, "USS John S. McCain?" In that exact context 'John S. McCain' is totally correct, though it looks quirky, both the S and the PERIOD. We are not accustomed to seeing NoName that way, it is quirky in appearance but totally and formerly correct.


One Anon turned the 'One' 'One' into 11 to chase eleven, chasing coincidence. Another Anon chased S (apparently without period) coming up with server, again likely coincidental. Chase S. (S followed by PERIOD) through Q and you find 7 uses. One staggers the intellect because it is precisely 'John S.' 2514, Nov 30, 2018, John Solomon. In that drop, Anon quotes… from what show, 'Hannity,' just like T-6071 point! Do you see looping back around confirmation? I must suspect in qmap 2514, within same chan bread, one Q team member fed, another Q team member head, not full of lead, but in the lead, both likely on payroll Fed. Do you see coincidences easily led, breed for whim without crumbs, nothing to decipher? Am I off my med? This is same pattern as Q 1. So I suggest 2514 is pure Q origin, engineered, including John S..


See more quirk, humanly engineered, clandestine stuff, in 2514, first 'John' is 'John' then 'John' morphs into our 'John S.' formed just like T-6072. By the way, Bream latter that night served up the go around of tweets involving the USS John S. McCain. Next day the story got further coverage by POTUS and WH press, all noted here on chan. A big deal has been made to attract attention to this cipher to decipher. Anons best not miss point to 2514. It's a long drop, so looking it up serves best. Timing concern of POTUS started this chase, so timing issue may be the take away? I'll 'betcha' that's the point.