Anonymous ID: 1a4dd1 May 31, 2019, 9:51 a.m. No.6637236   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That, or those who have historically tried to use their assets to manipulate the markets found out about Civil Asset Forfeiture.


They can buy the junk bonds back which they sold to pension funds and retirement accounts. Then, when they are prosecuted and destroyed, all that bad debt evaporates with them. It's an option I didn't consider in my collapse scenarios years ago. In theory, you can "stealth collapse" the market by making the CIA shells hold the bag. These wouldn't be publicly traded entities (most of them, anyway), and not tracked by most of the indexes.

Anonymous ID: 1a4dd1 May 31, 2019, 10:02 a.m. No.6637325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7334 >>7416


I had a shill from… Somewhere… Try to file a police report on me. He has been parading around a report number and whatnot for a week. Because that is what the police are for to them - harassment and intimidation.

Anyway - I chose to inform him that the whole matter was settled in less time than he spent filing the report. There was no threat, no reason for them to do anything, and I was completely calm and lucid. Report closed.


He seemed to lose a lot of motivation after that. Surprised that I was not intimidated by the police. Surprised they agreed with me. Surprised I didn't whine and bitch about some paid shill harassing me. The only thing they were confused about was why I wouldn't just block the guy.


I live on principle. Though I will delete posts of his when he wants to get it in his head that he is in control over my profile. Gotta discipline the pet shill.

But, yes, they live in an alien world.

Anonymous ID: 1a4dd1 May 31, 2019, 10:20 a.m. No.6637435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7487


The SC fills a role very similar to a grand jury. Their job isn't to conduct a trial, it is to determine whether or not a trial is warranted. This is why exculpatory evidence can be withheld from a grand jury.

If there is the appearance that a person committed a crime, then it should be taken to trial so that all evidence can be presented and the person can be tried innocent until proven guilty.


Mueller played the whole system by declining to make a decision regarding obstruction. The democrats have no choice but to take the angle he seems to have given them. They have no choice.

This puts Congress on the record.


If Mueller had said "Trump committed obstruction" then they would have 'been acting on his assessment' - if he had said "Trump did not commit obstruction" - then they try to launch an investigation into obstruction because of Mueller's conflicts of interest.


He had to play this razor's edge statement that passes the buck onto Congress. They can either accept Barr's "no collusion, no obstruction" or vote to push for impeachment on the grounds of obstruction.

Anonymous ID: 1a4dd1 May 31, 2019, 10:22 a.m. No.6637456   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7472


Yep. It's fun when you know what that platform is from the get-go.

There again, I was rather disappointed my recruiter didn't have a dossier on my online activities when I enlisted back in '06, so… I've been windtalking through the net for a long time. Q's existence was something of a (you) for me.