Anonymous ID: b480f2 May 31, 2019, 10:05 a.m. No.6637343   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7376 >>7403 >>7512 >>7672



no mention of 4 or 8 in article

far right troll ex marine and national guard


from article

Suspect in Old Northeast murder is an internet troll who shot up a store with an AK-47

A search warrant in the deadly Historic Old Northeast road rage shooting reveals the accused was banned from Facebook and was “taunting” the victims before the attack.


ST. PETERSBURG — William John Shutt once shot up an antique store with an AK-47 semiautomatic rifle while drunk back in 2013. More recently, he was suspended from Facebook for trolling strangers.


This is the man St. Petersburg police say shot two men in the Historic Old Northeast on March 27, killing one and wounding the other.


Shutt, 31, was arrested days later on charges of first-degree murder and attempted murder. Detectives obtained a search warrant on April 24 for his cell phone, looking for information that could explain his motivation.


Quentin Hicks, 42, was driving a black BMW convertible with the top down on March 27, just after 4 p.m. on a Wednesday. He and Tyler Oliverbrooks Acker, 31, were on their way to pick up Acker’s father from a construction job in the Historic Old Northeast neighborhood. But they got lost.


Then they encountered Shutt, the warrant said. He was driving a blue 2012 Hyundai Santa Fe.


First the Hyundai driver was “taunting” them at a stop sign, Acker told police. They had the right of way, but the SUV kept stopping and braking into the intersection. A few blocks later, the Hyundai rolled up next to their convertible. The driver lowered his window and stared at them, Acker said, then cut off the BMW.


Soon after, Hicks pulled up next to the Hyundai at Bay Street NE and yelled “you cut us off, you saw the stop sign.”


The Hyundai driver pulled out a black .380-caliber Ruger LCP pistol and fired at them, according to the warrant. Police would find seven shell casings.


Hicks was struck several times. One round went through Acker’s leg. Hicks lost consciousness and struck a tree at the corner of 20th Avenue NE and First Street NE. He died at the scene. Acker was taken to the hospital.


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Acker was bleeding profusely and in pain when detectives visited him in the hospital. He told them what happened and what the shooter looked like.


Detectives also found surveillance video in the neighborhood that captured the shooting and the Hundai driving off.


The video also captured a sticker on the back of the car, which led them to the doorstep of Kira Evelyn Linde, 25, on March 29. She was Shutt’s girlfriend, and he was driving her Hyundai.


She said she loaned it to him the day before the incident, according to the warrant. When he came to pick her up from nannying on March 27 — the day of the shooting — she said he seemed extremely agitated. He asked her to drive and leaned the passenger seat far back.


Linde watched the surveillance footage and said the driver looked just like her boyfriend. He had the same hairline and same color shirt, she told police.


She said Shutt owns several weapons and buys and sells guns “a lot.” She also said he had been recently suspended from Facebook for trolling strangers, making inappropriate comments on their pages.


• • •

Anonymous ID: b480f2 May 31, 2019, 10:32 a.m. No.6637521   🗄️.is đź”—kun


old article from 2018 but worth the read if not seen

long article heres just a snippet


bitch from berkley