Anonymous ID: c8852d May 31, 2019, 10:01 a.m. No.6637317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7496

Have you been paying attention?

Barr says treason from what he has gathered so far is not relevant from what's been gathered so far, so that would leave sedition and the such. POTUS "gets even" in spades and wants to inflicted the most damage possible. Huber has the largest group of DOJ attorneys gathered for what purpose? It's not U1 or FISA abuse. That would leave cf, cabal, c_a, and the rest of the EVIL fuckery that we've endured. We know there are 94k+ sealed indictments looming. What crimes do not have a statute of limitations? We've been told this is larger than we can imagine.

Think about it logically.

11.3 is the date of the 2020 election

I suspect we'll get the infamous tweet from POTUS right after the election results.