Anonymous ID: fc93fe May 31, 2019, 10:08 a.m. No.6637359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7367

how to grow w/o Newbies

where do Newbies come from

what if half left

do you want to be stronger

does Q say Unite or chase away

what is really stupid

'be careful who you follow'

Anonymous ID: fc93fe May 31, 2019, 10:22 a.m. No.6637457   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7554 >>7658

"Hillary Clinton is set to launch her own film and TV production company with her daughter Chelsea, according to reporting from Bloomberg.


The Clinton film studio will reportedly feature stories “by and about women.” It’s likely the neoliberal political dynasty would publish content with an abundance of feminist themes, as if Hollywood was failing to produce enough already.


The plan by the Clintons to enter the world of film and television could finally signal their departure from American political life. The family has been a de facto presence in national politics since the early 1990’s, although they’ve been forced into an early retirement of sorts after Hillary’s defeat in the 2016 Presidential election.


The Obama family is engaged in a similar venture, having entered into a film production contract with streaming giant Netflix. It may not be entirely coincidental for the Clintons to follow along a similar path, having a long-standing rivalry with Obama dating back to the 2008 Democratic Primary. Then-Senator Obama defeated Hillary in a contest for the Democratic nomination, running on an anti-war platform he would forget upon arriving in office."

Anonymous ID: fc93fe May 31, 2019, 10:25 a.m. No.6637473   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"However, Joseph Simonson argues that his connections to the SWP are “deep and enduring.”


Despite Sanders’ rebranding as a “democratic socialist”, his ties to radical Marxist groups were extensive.


According to personal files during his time in office as the mayor of Burlington, from 1981 to 1989, Sanders backed and even campaigned for the Communist SWP and kept close relations with its senior members.


Sanders “proudly endorsed and supported” Andrew Pulley, SWP’s presidential candidate who called on American soldiers to “take up their guns and shoot their officers.”


Sanders later campaigned for SWP presidential candidate Mel Mason, who was a former member of the Black Panthers. While on the campaign trail, Mason lauded the Russian and Chinese revolutions and then claimed that “The greatest example of a socialist government is Cuba, and Nicaragua is right behind, but it’s still developing.”


Paul Kengor, a professor at Grove City College, said that the SWP “were certainly a revolutionary group.”

Anonymous ID: fc93fe May 31, 2019, 10:28 a.m. No.6637490   🗄️.is 🔗kun


very cool



"In a true display of the state of our clown world, failed presidential candidate and cyber security simpleton Hillary Clinton is set to speak at an upcoming cyber security summit, presumably to tell attendees how not to set up your email server.


Clinton is listed as a keynote speaker for the Fire Eye Cyber Defense Summit to be held this October, despite the fact that she apparently has no idea what cyber security means.


According to the Fire Eye event registration page, “Cyber Defense Summit brings together many of the world’s leading security experts, frontline heroes, government leaders, and executives from various industries to address the challenges of today’s threat landscape.”


Clinton, who left a trail of destruction in her wake during her tenure at the State Department, is apparently either playing the role of either a “frontline hero” or a “government leader” during this year’s summit. She is expected to “engage in an intimate Q&A keynote discussion” while at the summit."

Anonymous ID: fc93fe May 31, 2019, 10:39 a.m. No.6637572   🗄️.is 🔗kun



'How to set up a server in your bathroom'



"A biological male won the first Women’s Track and Field NCAA title, even though she was previously competing as a man named Craig as recently as 2018.


CeCe Telfer, a transgender woman from New Hampshire attending Franklin Pierce University, won the first ever NCAA title for the sport, and also made history as the first biologically male competing on a woman’s team to do so.


According to Franklin Pierce, “Telfer is the first student-athlete in Franklin Pierce history to collect an individual national title,” adding that when the biologically male athlete”crossed the line as a national champion, she did so by posting her best time at the collegiate level, with a mark of 57.53 seconds.”

Anonymous ID: fc93fe May 31, 2019, 10:41 a.m. No.6637587   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"Former president Barack H. Obama was reportedly paid almost $600,000 for a speech in Bogota, Colombia, earlier this week according to ZeroHedge.


“According to the report, Obama earned ‘2 billion Colombian pesos,’ or $591,000 USD speaking at the EXMA conference, held Monday and Tuesday,” ZeroHedge said. “Conference attendees could also snap a photo with the former president for just 11 million Colombian pesos, or around $3,200.”


High-profile Democratic Party politicians have long been criticized for accepting huge sums to give speeches to Wall Street bankers and foreign entities. Obama received $400,000 in Sept. 2017 for a speech at a Wall Street health conference.


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) infamously criticized failed presidential candidate Hillary R. Clinton for accepting $225,000 for speeches on Wall Street."

Anonymous ID: fc93fe May 31, 2019, 10:45 a.m. No.6637610   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"The bomber who set off an improvised explosive device outside a bakery in Lyon, France last week did so for ISIS, according to French authorities.


“France’s counter-terrorism prosecutor says the main suspect in the bombing last week in the French city of Lyon that wounded 14 people had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State,” said The New York Post.


He admitted his allegiance to the terrorist organization upon his arrest.


Mohamed Hichem M. of Algeria arrived in France on a tourist visa in 2017, which has long expired, making him an illegal immigrant. Prior to last week’s bombing, he was not on the radar of French authorities. He was arrested Monday along with three other suspects, including two family members."

Anonymous ID: fc93fe May 31, 2019, 10:48 a.m. No.6637633   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"The events of Metal Gear Rising are set in the year 2018, four years after the events of Guns of the Patriots. The Patriots, a powerful shadow organization running the world's war economy, have been destroyed and Private Military Companies (PMC) have splintered into numerous factions. With the elimination of the Patriot-controlled nanomachine technology used to regulate soldiers' abilities, PMCs turn to advanced cyborg technology, creating durable superhuman soldiers.[15] The player controls Raiden, a former child soldier turned into a cyborg that now works for the PMC Maverick Security Consulting, Inc.[15][16] Raiden is supported by his Maverick colleagues, Russian pointman Boris Popov,[11] military advisor Kevin Washington, computer specialist Courtney Collins,[17] and cybernetics expert Wilhelm "Doktor" Voight.[18] Returning from Metal Gear Solid 4 is Sunny Emmerich, a child prodigy and friend of Raiden working at Solis Space & Aeronautics.[19]"