Anonymous ID: 48ae9e May 31, 2019, 11:49 a.m. No.6638135   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6637152 lb

>>6637154 lb

I'm in awe of Barr's ability to speak with such authority, tell the truth, and maintain his cool. I think we've all been waiting for an adult to show up and set everyone straight. This guy has the exact demeanor for this job.

I can't even imagine SESSIONS conducting himself like this AG does. Any time I try to picture these words coming out of Sessions, I picture him apologizing for saying them, and 'resigning' or 'recusing' himself from any involvement the very next day…

Barr doesn't seem to give a rip about what the media or Democrats say. He is exactly the kind of AG America needs right now.