Anonymous ID: 4db6d6 May 31, 2019, 12:34 p.m. No.6638423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8471

>>6636958 (pb, notable)

>15 armed cartel members with rifles dressed in camo approached our border wall last night intimidating construction crews


Not sure if any anons remember, but a while back I floated the idea of a (x)-mile deep security/exclusion zone WITHIN Mexico. Part of me was wondeting if POTUS has this idea up his sleeve as a last resort. Tarrifs will hurt the Mexican economy for sure, but the grip of the globalist is strong on them. The cabal cares nothing for the well being of the Mexican people and would gladly see them in ruins if it furthers their anti-Trump agenda.


This is something I would be interested in hearing from Q about. How far are we willing to go to protect our borders and eliminate the increasing security threat posed by cabal-funded militant groups and covert combatants slipping into our country?


I think all options must be on the table and Mexico must believe we are willing to use our military might to enforce the rule of law and the security of the American people.