Anonymous ID: 958dc9 May 31, 2019, 12:11 p.m. No.6638257   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"it's" is always a contraction of "it is".


It's totally arbitrary. You can say: "the dog's bone" – that is the possessive apostrophe.


Then the dog becomes "it", and you say "its bone" – you could argue that it should take the possessive apostrophe, but it doesn't.


Just remember, "it's" always means "it is" and nothing else ever. It's totally arb.

Anonymous ID: 958dc9 May 31, 2019, 12:49 p.m. No.6638533   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You see with this issue of weather radar that 5G radiation can resonate with water vapour. Watch this video and see that the 5G spectrum includes the resonant frequencies of oxygen and alcohol. Take a look at this video from a conference at the Israel Institute for Advanced Study in 2017. You will see that they can detect from a distance whether you are sweating or not.


So not only is this radiation almost entirely absorbed by the skin and sweat glands, making you perspire: they can detect this perspiration from a distance, so this is already in use in airport security. Useful to see when a suspect you've identified via face recognition starts sweating. This is super-surveillance.


Very seldom mentioned is that every self-driving car has a powerful radar at around 77 GHz that is blasting the environment with millimetre waves. Can you imagine the impact of millions of these cars, all radiating away madly?


The moment these AI cars start crashing, Elon Musk will be screaming at his engineers, and they will crank up the power of those radars. The entire environment is going to be be cooked. Talk about global warming. I really admire Trump for his stance on the climate change scam, but what the hell he is doing with 5G is another story altogether. 5G is the end of the human race as we know it, period. Look at China with hundreds of thousands of cameras everywhere, making sure the people are smiling. Is this the society you want? Is this really a war America wants to win?


Check it out: over 95% of Chinese kids now have to wear glasses, these smartphones have destroyed their vision. Is blinding your entire youth generation a smart move?

Anonymous ID: 958dc9 May 31, 2019, 1:10 p.m. No.6638660   🗄️.is 🔗kun

For anyone who believes that self-driving vehicles are viable, this is a genuine AI snuff movie showing a self-driving Uber vehicle ploughing straight into a woman pushing a bicycle across a road in Tempe, Arizona, last year. The vehicle's AI systems did not register a single blip of any kind as it mowed this poor woman down and killed her.


There have been articles in the mainstream saying how "boring" these AI vehicles are to travel in, when you get used to them. Take a look at the face of the guy nominally sitting in the driver's seat, there's a reaction shot of him as the accident happens. That guy is not "bored".


Now: one or two more crashes like this, and they will crank up the power of these vehicular radars out of sight. I mean: if you can't detect a frikkin bicycle being pushed by an adult, how are you going to detect a small child on a dark night? It has to be 77 GHz radar, along with LIDAR and whatever else they have.


They insist that all rural areas will have to be blanketed with 5G radiation so that autonomous cars can functions seamlessly across the landscape. This is the most intense microwaving of the planet you could imagine, it's totally insane, and it's being rolled out right now. You have very little time to stop it.


If the Great Awakening doesn't include real consciousness of 5G, then it's a great deception, period.