Anonymous ID: a7f553 May 31, 2019, 11:38 a.m. No.6638056   🗄️.is đź”—kun

plz don't post stuff that's old without a date


Nestle Says Requirement to Report Use of Slave Labor Would Cost Consumers More Money

A new anti-slavery bill requiring companies to investigate and report on their supply chains to prevent modern slavery will lead to consumers paying more, according to Nestle.


By Matt Agorist - September 6, 2018081205

Anonymous ID: a7f553 May 31, 2019, 12:15 p.m. No.6638280   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8299 >>8317

'8488" baker change''

Notes @355

>>6637952 A historic Cabinet meeting for Gov. DeSantis and a warning to those who go against Israel

>>6637954 Schiff is nervous and wants to know everything Barr is going to declass

>>6637955 Huawei orders employees to cancel meetings with American contacts amid U.S.-China tensions

>>6637956 Rep. Schiff: Attorney General Barr Should Never Have Been Confirmed In First Place

>>6637966 Military twat (US Marines on AH-Viper)

>>6637974, >>6637579 (pb) Letter from Mexican President to DJT translated

>>6637978 is up, take a look anons

>>6637979 Texas Border County Cops Leaked Intel to Drug Dealer, Say Feds

>>6638051 Rolling Thunder founder says bikers will descend on DC if Pelosi impeaches Trump

>>6638073 Los Angeles County sues Bayer's Monsanto over PCB contamination

>>6638112 Utah Prosecutor Close to Completing Investigation of Hillary Clinton, Attorney General Says

>>6638120 Tom Fitton: Investigating the Investigators Means Investigating Mueller & His Misconduct

>>6638129 California Man Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison for Sexually Exploiting a Minor He Met While Playing “Clash Of Clans”

>>6638143, >>6638149 DKS insider: Congo migrants have made it to US with confirmed cases of ebola

>>6638174 US Coalition Attacks Syrian Oil Transport Boats On Euphrates River

>>6638181 Bolton Says US Wants UK to Quit European Union

>>6638193 Israel to sell confiscated Palestinian classrooms donated by EU

>>6638195 PaPaD: Keep the heat on the UK & Australia

>>6638236 Mike Huckabee: "Howling at the moon does not change basic Mueller findings

>>6638244 Soros, Wallace Help Bankroll Dark Money Fund Aimed at Midwestern Voters

>>6638249 How to nominate a nobable to help QResearch bakers


Anons, plz take a look, anything missing?



















>>>6638083 Brian di Pietrantonio women working for Your Voice America then Maga Coalition




>>>6638130 POTUS tweets











Anonymous ID: a7f553 May 31, 2019, 12:17 p.m. No.6638299   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8314 >>8334 >>8463


repost to get rid of junk, sorry


'8488" baker change''

Notes @355

>>6637952 A historic Cabinet meeting for Gov. DeSantis and a warning to those who go against Israel

>>6637954 Schiff is nervous and wants to know everything Barr is going to declass

>>6637955 Huawei orders employees to cancel meetings with American contacts amid U.S.-China tensions

>>6637956 Rep. Schiff: Attorney General Barr Should Never Have Been Confirmed In First Place

>>6637966 Military twat (US Marines on AH-Viper)

>>6637974, >>6637579 (pb) Letter from Mexican President to DJT translated

>>6637978 is up, take a look anons

>>6637979 Texas Border County Cops Leaked Intel to Drug Dealer, Say Feds

>>6638051 Rolling Thunder founder says bikers will descend on DC if Pelosi impeaches Trump

>>6638073 Los Angeles County sues Bayer's Monsanto over PCB contamination

>>6638112 Utah Prosecutor Close to Completing Investigation of Hillary Clinton, Attorney General Says

>>6638120 Tom Fitton: Investigating the Investigators Means Investigating Mueller & His Misconduct

>>6638129 California Man Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison for Sexually Exploiting a Minor He Met While Playing “Clash Of Clans”

>>6638143, >>6638149 DKS insider: Congo migrants have made it to US with confirmed cases of ebola

>>6638174 US Coalition Attacks Syrian Oil Transport Boats On Euphrates River

>>6638181 Bolton Says US Wants UK to Quit European Union

>>6638193 Israel to sell confiscated Palestinian classrooms donated by EU

>>6638195 PaPaD: Keep the heat on the UK & Australia

>>6638236 Mike Huckabee: "Howling at the moon does not change basic Mueller findings

>>6638244 Soros, Wallace Help Bankroll Dark Money Fund Aimed at Midwestern Voters

>>6638249 How to nominate a nobable to help QResearch bakers


Anons, plz take a look, anything missing?

Anonymous ID: a7f553 May 31, 2019, 12:48 p.m. No.6638521   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8537 >>8553

'#8488"' baker change''

Notes @570

>>6637952 A historic Cabinet meeting for Gov. DeSantis and a warning to those who go against Israel

>>6637954 Schiff is nervous and wants to know everything Barr is going to declass

>>6637955 Huawei orders employees to cancel meetings with American contacts amid U.S.-China tensions

>>6637956 Rep. Schiff: Attorney General Barr Should Never Have Been Confirmed In First Place

>>6637966 Military twat (US Marines on AH-Viper)

>>6637974, >>6637579 (pb) Letter from Mexican President to DJT translated

>>6637978 is up, take a look anons

>>6637979 Texas Border County Cops Leaked Intel to Drug Dealer, Say Feds

>>6638051 Rolling Thunder founder says bikers will descend on DC if Pelosi impeaches Trump

>>6638073 Los Angeles County sues Bayer's Monsanto over PCB contamination

>>6638112 Utah Prosecutor Close to Completing Investigation of Hillary Clinton, Attorney General Says

>>6638120 Tom Fitton: Investigating the Investigators Means Investigating Mueller & His Misconduct

>>6638129 California Man Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison for Sexually Exploiting a Minor He Met While Playing “Clash Of Clans”

>>6638143, >>6638149 DHS insider: Congo migrants have made it to US with confirmed cases of ebola

>>6638174 US Coalition Attacks Syrian Oil Transport Boats On Euphrates River

>>6638181 Bolton Says US Wants UK to Quit European Union

>>6638193 Israel to sell confiscated Palestinian classrooms donated by EU

>>6638195 PaPaD: Keep the heat on the UK & Australia

>>6638325, >>6638405 Johnson & Johnson ordered to pay $300 million to woman who claimed asbestos-linked baby powder caused cancer

>>6638236 Mike Huckabee: "Howling at the moon does not change basic Mueller findings"

>>6638244 Soros, Wallace Help Bankroll Dark Money Fund Aimed at Midwestern Voters

>>6638249 How to nominate a nobable to help QResearch bakers

>>6638320 ISIS supporters admits beheading Scandanavian hiker in Morocco

>>6638357 At fourth public event in 6 days, HRC tells grads "Madame President 'has a nice ring to it' "

>>6638382 Lawsuit seeks investigation into claims Rep. Omar abused immigration system, married brother (finally)

>>6638382 Lawsuit seeks investigation into claims Rep. Omar abused immigration system, married brother (finally)

>>6638401, >>6637381pb Moar on Dan Wallace & Luke Rudkowski (We Are Change org)

>>6638404 VP Pence to attend D-Day ceremony in Bedford VA

>>6638417 Mueller's remarks puts the onus on Congress, so What's Next?

>>6638426 Barr: Huber has been working on issues that "relate to Hillary Clinton"

>>6638440 Anon on Charlemagne, Silent Ones, EyePyramid

>>6638320 Cummings' wife's refusal to turn over records on her non-profit is illegal, expert says

>>6638469 Former UK PM to chair advisory board of DC-based Affiniti, an AI firm


Baker must leave NB

Lurking bakers, plz step up

Anonymous ID: a7f553 May 31, 2019, 12:57 p.m. No.6638586   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8593

'#8488"' baker change''

Notes, last call

>>6637952 A historic Cabinet meeting for Gov. DeSantis and a warning to those who go against Israel

>>6637954 Schiff is nervous and wants to know everything Barr is going to declass

>>6637955 Huawei orders employees to cancel meetings with American contacts amid U.S.-China tensions

>>6637956 Rep. Schiff: Attorney General Barr Should Never Have Been Confirmed In First Place

>>6637966 Military twat (US Marines on AH-Viper)

>>6637974, >>6637579 (pb) Letter from Mexican President to DJT translated

>>6637978, >>6638317 is up, take a look anons

>>6637979 Texas Border County Cops Leaked Intel to Drug Dealer, Say Feds

>>6638051 Rolling Thunder founder says bikers will descend on DC if Pelosi impeaches Trump

>>6638073 Los Angeles County sues Bayer's Monsanto over PCB contamination

>>6638112 Utah Prosecutor Close to Completing Investigation of Hillary Clinton, Attorney General Says

>>6638120 Tom Fitton: Investigating the Investigators Means Investigating Mueller & His Misconduct

>>6638129 California Man Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison for Sexually Exploiting a Minor He Met While Playing “Clash Of Clans”

>>6638143, >>6638149 DHS insider: Congo migrants have made it to US with confirmed cases of ebola

>>6638174 US Coalition Attacks Syrian Oil Transport Boats On Euphrates River

>>6638181 Bolton Says US Wants UK to Quit European Union

>>6638193 Israel to sell confiscated Palestinian classrooms donated by EU

>>6638195 PaPaD: Keep the heat on the UK & Australia

>>6638293, >>6638541 New DJT: LGBT not illegal in US

>>6638325, >>6638405 Johnson & Johnson ordered to pay $300 million to woman who claimed asbestos-linked baby powder caused cancer

>>6638236 Mike Huckabee: "Howling at the moon does not change basic Mueller findings"

>>6638244 Soros, Wallace Help Bankroll Dark Money Fund Aimed at Midwestern Voters

>>6638249 How to nominate a nobable to help QResearch bakers

>>6638320 ISIS supporters admits beheading Scandanavian hiker in Morocco

>>6638357 At fourth public event in 6 days, HRC tells grads "Madame President 'has a nice ring to it' "

>>6638382 Lawsuit seeks investigation into claims Rep. Omar abused immigration system, married brother (finally)

>>6638401, >>6637381 pb Moar on Dan Wallace & Luke Rudkowski (We Are Change org)

>>6638404 VP Pence to attend D-Day ceremony in Bedford VA

>>6638417 Mueller's remarks puts the onus on Congress, so What's Next?

>>6638426 Barr: Huber has been working on issues that "relate to Hillary Clinton"

>>6638440 Anon on Charlemagne, Silent Ones, EyePyramid

>>6638469 Former UK PM to chair advisory board of DC-based Affiniti, an AI firm

Anonymous ID: a7f553 May 31, 2019, 1:04 p.m. No.6638623   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8633 >>8641

'#8488"' baker change''

>>6637952 A historic Cabinet meeting for Gov. DeSantis and a warning to those who go against Israel

>>6637954 Schiff is nervous and wants to know everything Barr is going to declass

>>6637955 Huawei orders employees to cancel meetings with American contacts amid U.S.-China tensions

>>6637956 Rep. Schiff: Attorney General Barr Should Never Have Been Confirmed In First Place

>>6637966 Military twat (US Marines on AH-Viper)

>>6637974, >>6637579 (pb) Letter from Mexican President to DJT translated

>>6637978, >>6638317 is up, take a look anons

>>6637979 Texas Border County Cops Leaked Intel to Drug Dealer, Say Feds

>>6638051 Rolling Thunder founder says bikers will descend on DC if Pelosi impeaches Trump

>>6638073 Los Angeles County sues Bayer's Monsanto over PCB contamination

>>6638112 Utah Prosecutor Close to Completing Investigation of Hillary Clinton, Attorney General Says

>>6638120 Tom Fitton: Investigating the Investigators Means Investigating Mueller & His Misconduct

>>6638129 California Man Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison for Sexually Exploiting a Minor He Met While Playing “Clash Of Clans”

>>6638143, >>6638149 DHS insider: Congo migrants have made it to US with confirmed cases of ebola

>>6638174 US Coalition Attacks Syrian Oil Transport Boats On Euphrates River

>>6638181 Bolton Says US Wants UK to Quit European Union

>>6638193 Israel to sell confiscated Palestinian classrooms donated by EU

>>6638195 PaPaD: Keep the heat on the UK & Australia

>>6638293, >>6638541 New DJT: LGBT not illegal in US

>>6638325, >>6638405 Johnson & Johnson ordered to pay $300 million to woman who claimed asbestos-linked baby powder caused cancer

>>6638236 Mike Huckabee: "Howling at the moon does not change basic Mueller findings"

>>6638244 Soros, Wallace Help Bankroll Dark Money Fund Aimed at Midwestern Voters

>>6638249, >>6638463 How to nominate a nobable to help QResearch bakers

>>6638320 ISIS supporters admits beheading Scandanavian hiker in Morocco

>>6638357 At fourth public event in 6 days, HRC tells grads "Madame President 'has a nice ring to it' "

>>6638382 Lawsuit seeks investigation into claims Rep. Omar abused immigration system, married brother (finally)

>>6638401, >>6637381 pb Moar on Dan Wallace & Luke Rudkowski (We Are Change org)

>>6638404 VP Pence to attend D-Day ceremony in Bedford VA

>>6638417 Mueller's remarks puts the onus on Congress, so What's Next?

>>6638426 Barr: Huber has been working on issues that "relate to Hillary Clinton"

>>6638440 Anon on Charlemagne, Silent Ones, EyePyramid

>>6638469 Former UK PM to chair advisory board of DC-based Affiniti, an AI firm

>>6638602 Mueller investigation is over; QAnon the conspiracy theory that grew around it, is not