Anonymous ID: d8960c May 31, 2019, 11:29 a.m. No.6637974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8063 >>8082 >>8260 >>8279 >>8280 >>8299 >>8521 >>8586 >>8623

>>6637579 (pb)

letter from Mexican President to Trump translated


Presiden Donald Trump:

I am aware of his last position in relation to Mexico. In advance, I express to you that I do not want confrontation. The peoples and nations we represent deserve that, in the face of any conflict in our relations, however serious they may be, we will resort to dialogue and act with prudence and responsibility.

The best president of Mexico, Benito Juárez, maintained excellent relations with the republican dignatary Abraham Lincoln. Later, when the oil expropriation, the Democratic president Franklin D. Roosevelt understood the profound reasons that led the patriotic president Lázaro Cárdenas to act in favor of our sovereignty. By the way, President Roosevelt was a titan of liberties. Before anyone proclaimed the four fundamental rights of man: the right to freedom of speech; the right to freedom of religion; the right to live free from fear; and the right to live free from misery.

In this thought we put our policy on the immigration issue. Human beings do not abandon their villages for pleasure but for necessity. That is why, from the beginning of my government, I proposed opting for cooperation for development and helping the Central American countries with productive investments to create jobs and resolve this painful issue in depth.

You also know that we are fulfilling our responsibility to avoid, as far as possible and without violating human rights, the passage through our country. It is worth remembering that, in a short time, Mexicans will not need to go to the United States and that migration will be optional, not forced. This, because we are fighting corruption, the main problem in Mexico, as never before! And, in this way, our country will become a power with a social dimension. Our countrymen will be able to work and be happy where they were born, where their relatives, their customs and their cultures are.

President Trump: social problems are not resolved by taxes or coercive measures. How to convert overnight the country of fraternity with world's migrants in a ghetto, in a closed space, where those who seek with effort and work to live free from misery are stigmatized, mistreated, persecuted, expelled and their right to justice canceled? The Statue of Liberty is not an empty symbol.

With all due respect, although you have the sovereign right to express it, the slogan "United States first" is a fallacy because until the end of time, even over national borders, universal justice and fraternity will prevail.

Specifically, citizen President: I propose to deepen the dialogue, seek alternatives to the immigration problem and, please remember that I do not lack courage, that I am not coward or timid but I act on principles: I believe in the politic that , among other things, was invented to avoid confrontation and war. I do not believe in the Law of Talon, in the 'tooth for tooth' or in the 'eye for an eye' because, if we go to those, we would all be toothless or one-eyed. I believe that statesmen, and even more so those of Nation, are obliged to seek peaceful solutions to controversies and to put into practice, forever, the beautiful ideal of non-violence.

Finally, I suggest that you instruct your officials, if you do not mind, to attend representatives of our government, headed by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, who from tomorrow will move to Washington to reach an agreement for the benefit of the two nations.

Nothing by force, everything by reason and Law!

Anonymous ID: d8960c May 31, 2019, 12:16 p.m. No.6638287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8364


As we celebrate LGBT Pride Month and recognize the outstanding contributions LGBT people have made to our great Nation, let us also stand in solidarity with the many LGBT people who live in dozens of countries worldwide that punish, imprison, or even execute individuals….


….on the basis of their sexual orientation. My Administration has launched a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality and invite all nations to join us in this effort!