Anonymous ID: ff8f41 May 31, 2019, 11:31 a.m. No.6637996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8014 >>8258 >>8432

>>6637073 PB Whats really going on in Mexico, expanding our thinking.


>A U.S. Marine was attacked while working on the California-Mexico border by three unknown persons.

>>>6637098 >>6637108 >>6637129

>>A source at the Pentagon confirmed to Breitbart News that they are aware of the incident and are working on a public statement


>>6636958 PB 15 armed cartel members with rifles dressed in camo approached our border wall last night intimidating construction crews.




You know, I read a number of places that we already have 1/3rd of Mexico's original population in the United States.


Meanwhile, Mexicans in Mexico suffer the cartel wars, trying to save their own families. Whole neighborhoods are in gun fighting defense, as fathers try to protect their own just like the wild wild west was once.


Their children are literally being stolen (or rented) to accompany those migrating from Guatamala etc, so that these criminal adults have kids when they arrive, and can claim "family" asylum under our crap laws, now encouraging Mexican child theft.

The DNA testing at the border is finding the child thieves.


Now, the same cartels that are destroying Mexico want to come up to the border and threaten the Americans, and the 1/3 of Mexicans on this side of the border?


They keep this crap up, I think we should treat them like ISIS, declare war on the Cartels, move the border to Guatemala instead of building the wall and free the Mexican citizens by creating 5 -8 new states.


THEN, Mexicans can have a Constitution worth defending, do not have to put up with being murdered for drugs, and do not have to cross the border to be an American. The wall can be much smaller down there in Guatemala.


If we can clean out the middle east, we can help our neighbors cross the border without them crossing the border or even losing their homes.


Mexican cartels need to back off the border. Too bad for the loss in drug and human traffic profits. This crap keeps up, then declare official war on the cartels, help the Mexicans fight in their neighborhoods, and end it all.


Watch this 10 minute video coverage of what is really going on in Mexico. Maybe we need something bigger than a wall?


On the frontline of Mexico's drug war

Anonymous ID: ff8f41 May 31, 2019, 11:38 a.m. No.6638053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8060


Not a bad idea. DO we have enough Mexicans to establish an official Constitutional government in exile here in the states, that Mexican citizens can vote for here? They need a legitimate government down there, and you are right. They need to fight for their country, and it would be a good idea if we helped.

Getting rid of the cartels is good for both.

Anonymous ID: ff8f41 May 31, 2019, 12:35 p.m. No.6638432   🗄️.is 🔗kun


More on the Mexican neighborhood defense wars against the cartels. Someone had the guts to go into the neighborhoods. I would say Mexico is near civil war….pretty close. This is what will happen here if this border is not delt with. Just history repeating itself. These men in Mexico are not going to stand by and watch their neighborhoods get shot, as long as they are armed.