Boom next week you are going to be the Messiah's of mankind in service to Making Israel Great Again!
Ya'll are the cheapest drug addicts, ever.
All you need is a typo from POTUS or some word salad from Qushner.
Placate the patriots.
Make them think you're "their guy."
Promise arrests, justice.
Expose some actual evil to give yourself credibility.
Promise to drain the swamp.
Hire the swampiest of swamp creatures to a) pretend they're your deep state enemies, or b) "slow roll" the justice out to …
Ensure re-election.
After re-election, sell out the country wholesale.
Participate in largest false flag in history to derail the "justice" because, like after 9/11, the country will "need to be united" …
You lost as soon as you stopped questioning.