How exciting!
Still, Trump's DOJ does fuck-all. Such a failure.
Service to Self v. Service to Others is a critical distinction among humans.
If there was evidence to indict, Marine Bob would have come out with bells on to announce it long ago.
God likes pedo perverts now? He must have changed a lot.
What kind of bun is best for a nothingburger?
Trump's DOJ continues to do fuck-all against the deep state criminals who have been ruining our country for decades.
Trumpo needs to declare martial law along the border and fucking do something about it, and I dont mean more whiny twats about Congress.
Occasional-Cortex is why the ball-gag was invented.
Agree /they/ deeply fear Flynn. Trumpo needs to bring him back asap.
Every time you use ketchup, she gets a nickel.
No real sign that any of these Soetero traitors are going to be prosecuted.
It's our only way forward. US Pop culture is thoroughly immoral and satanic.
Prayer is the ONLY thing that can save this trainwreck of a former Republic.
The jig is up on the fake govt/big pharma criminalization of this useful plant.
I've been watching Cal turn to shit for 25 years, it's disgraceful. Crooked libtard faggotry.
Nadler should just die already.
It's great in Cal. Easy to get, cheaper, and high quality.
There's zero sauce on Pence being dirty. Zero.