>>6638631 (lb) <<
I think that's why you and I are here.
Patience. It will be your turn soon. I try my best to comply with "Thou Shalt Not Murder".
Not always successfully, mind you.
I'm thinking the rest was also profound.
Not believing in Homer.
The Illiad, the Odyssey.
He looks somehow not quite human.
The dopes don't seem to get this.
Per the Law, on Obstruction, there is no evidence to indict.
Per the Weissman Interpretation of the Law on Obstruction, even as adapted for purposes of argument, there still is no evidence to indict.
“Know therefore and understand, That from the going forth of the command To restore and build Jerusalem Until Messiah the Prince, There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; The street shall be built again, and the wall, Even in troublesome times.
Like a cat on a hot tin roof, all day.
I sure hope not.
Somebody who thinks God's name is America.
Encouraging transgender surgeries is assisting in suidices.
MAGA pre-exists and transcends the GOP. Do you think Mittens is trying to MAGA? No Name?
Is there anything too retarded for even you to post?
then the facts support the theory
then it's just a conspiracy
no longer a conspiracy theory
Chasing tail takes a lot of a man's time and energy
Your interpretation of the bible is satanic.
Your master has no answer to God.
And he is out numbered by the angels who did not fall 2:1
You lost.
Repent, and be saved.
I don't mind Pence taking some offense.
He appears to be a Bush Crime Family plant, just as Poppy Bush was a Bush Crime Family plant in the Reagan era, where they then tried to kill Reagan.
Someone should tell No Name's spawn that they already missed.
Well that escalated quickly.
I think Liebowitz or whatever his name is, is smart enough to know the Left is doomed.
Can pretty much read it on his face here.