The fact that you can't simply ignore them proves you're wrong.
Going to be awesome where you can be permanently blacklisted from society, become unemployable for life and not able to provide for your kids because you donโt completely agree with state enforced homosexuality & diversityโฆ oh wait we already live in it
You should look up the definition of algorithm. Not that you'd understand it anyway.
Most people just filter you because you're retarded and can't meme.
lol (((Fox news))) went from the flynn thing to WE NEED TO BOMB IRAN real fast.
reminder, if we get into a war with Iran, every fucking jew in the US is a target. everyone knows they're the ones responsible for these bullshit wars.
Since they aren't standing up to any of this, and never have, they are all guilty and deserve what they will absolutely get.
But it's not just for the wars. It's for everything else they're guilty of. The war will just be the last straw. Sorry you're too stupid and lack the brain to understand it. It's completely logical.
You have no idea how much worse you are making it.
sounds good.
frees up some laywer and dentist jobs for goyim.
not to mention the huge benefits to academia.
end of corrupt poisonous pharma.
end of animal abuse and torture in the kosher industry.
i honestly can't think of any downsides.
No need for Chemtrails anymore when they can just create the clouds from the ground now.
Watch the water goyim, watch the air too.
It's all lethal.
enough to know that's not natural.
you can see when the turn it on.
watch the puff to the left of fort stockton
here is a nexrad induced gravity wave hitting the edge of a front that is also getting pushed from behind squeezing the moisture of out of the narrow band of air.
"debunkers" lee side waves come SE off of mountain slopes, not SW off the plains of oklahoma
texans are getting fucked hard by them lately.
these are what the sites look like that are pumping this shit into the air.
This was the cause for all the tornados earlier.
moar on yt
This was just in the last few days. not fires.
Watch the "T" (tornadoes) pop up. Always right by the four letter Nexrad stations. All kinds of gravity wave lines, fill gill clouds, roll clouds. Nothing here looks normal!!
it absolutely does not.
this moisture does not occur in west texas. ever.
Everyone should just look at what's happening RIGHT NOW on the west coast.
Does this soupy mess mixed with parallel and perpendicular cloud lines look normal to anyone. Where the hell are the meteorologists & weather men and women?
Or is it just trolls?