>semetic death cult that worships el
>says that jesus is fake and evil
Im happy to know my great grandpa fought in ww2 and led a union for the dems to sell out america
Fucking awesome
Do not ever vote
Form millitias
Join the masons
The army
All deep state organizations
Then sabotage them if you can
Or play the long game
Rofl Q straight up btfoed
Im beginning to think the orginal posts were by a patriot who the trump admin tricked
As a way to flush out who would resist the nwo
The posts now dont even have the same tone
This board was always shill central
Q got what they wanted which was memes to use to create the twitter meme censorship algorithm
And new targeted individuals for Q and the elite to torture
As well as creating a small army of Qdrones to suck off potus
All the autists are gone lmao
Back to literally anything else
Im only here cuz Q uses tech to melt my brain
Huber is a nothing burger
If Q is real huber was a head fake like sessions
If Q is fake
Occams razor anon
Daniel i literally only have to read like 5 lines of your bible to know your god is some,sort of evil extra dimensional being
Why would the real god be so violent cruel and selfish?
Why would he want animal sacrifice
But but but Q stopped the mass shootings
I guess
This world is run by evil and will always be so i dont really care about that
I want revenge
I want to hurt Q to the point that Q is no longer sentient
What a fucking surprise that the pagan sun worship death cult,has shitty fucking values
Nigger someone put a cd in my mailbox with a bunch of shit about aliens on,it
Nobody else got it in my area
Got followed at work
The capcha spelled out my last name
I dont even know what that means but if it means death sure
Anything but this cursed life
I have never once been happy
>>>6639859 (You)
>If you are TI, ask yourself - are there groups far more likely to attack you other than Q? How long before Q have these groups existed?
Considering that nothing happened to,me before Q
Literallt started rhe second i read Qs posts
I truly hate this kike
He is without a doubt oneof the most evil on this planet
You pretty much have to be to,play the false saviour role
I want to watch anyone related to him suffer
I dont give a fuck what they say anon
Occams razor
I follow Q
I get attacked the second i follow it without even making posts that would warrant it
Even if its not Q doing,it i blame Q
Shut the fuck up you bot
Q is a master of gaslighting
Stop the fucking gas lighting
Im not talking to the bot im,talking to the operator
How do you justify what you do
People like you deserve to watch your family be raped to death
Yeah cuz thats not the real god daniel
If god isnt peace and love
Thats not god
Thats the devil
Aka interdimensionals
Everyone has a virus you fucking nigger
How do you think they control us
They laughed real hard at the walking dead were all infected bullshit
No you really dont
I dont even know how bad it is
And i have an idea
Courtesy of pure evil
Its bad.
Im,not afraid of cia niggers
Demons aliens whatever
Im afraid that were alone and there no god to help us
Sue me
You underestimate the sadism of the elite
They dont do things because they make sense
They do them out of cruelty
No you really dont want to
You really cant take it
I have the mother of all compartmentalization technique and i can barely take it
Do not ask that question as they will use it as a door into,your life
Please anon for the love of god dont end up like me
Theyre cowards and if they even bother arresting me theyll just do it while,im,sleeping or at work
So i cant fight back
Idk what im going to do
Might kill myself
Or something else
Yeah i dont know how to fight higher dimensional beings with thousands if not million years more advanced tech
If you can even fight them
It would be like a 2d person trying to punch a 3d person
Well if im demon possesed they fucking suck cuz all they can do is ruin,my life
Cant make me hurt any innocents
I dont know anything outside of that this reality is run by evil interdimensional beings
That is who the cabal worships
And why they have so much power
They have the power to,manipulate each and every one of us as they dont live in time like we do
They play the long game
Look around you and look for coincidences
Particularly with numbers
Nah im pretty good at telling when a movement loses steam
Q lost all of the autists
All Q has now is neocon twitter normies who think theyre woke cuz they dont like the leftists
But are still comlpletely brainwshed
They mean well but are stupid
He is pretty funny ill give you that
But he is legitimately worse than the nigger
Under the nigger peolple actually opposed the evil
Now they cheer itโฆ..
Go join the masons then i only know that
By far the best liar
His ability to lie is honestly impressive
In sheer talent to manipualate hes up there with the best
The cabal had to run someone who,was actually good at psyoping
As the failed puppets obama clinton bush etc
Have fallen out of favor with the ruling bloodlines
My guess is trump is one of theirs
Bite me kike
All of them are distantly related
There are multiple different factions of the elite
Alot of the fighting we see on tv is real
Just between different factions
Which explains some of the cabal moves that dont make sense
Lately theyve all united which is odd
Hillarys faction is definitely fucked tho
None of the people i want to harm are innocent
I want revenge
Being part of a bloodline makes you evil by birth as they have genetic memory
A cabal born child is not a human like you or,me
Gz bro
So far Q has one obama guy
Assange who is innocent
And michael avenatti the worlds lowest hanging fruit
Q is a royal kike
One of the worst entities ever to exist
Even if Q is really saving us Q still used a vulnerable section of the population as bait and values money over human lives
What kind of sick fuck values corporate profits over life
If Q was who Q says he is
I would be arrested for the posts ive made
Q is not real
They let me post this because it spreads chaos
I am right but they benefit from any and all arguing
Now you know why trump constantly stirs the pot
As well as him tweeting russia won him the election