Fucking faggots have to ruin everything.
Also aware of why there are so many faggots these days.
Never was a fan of juice.
Fucking faggots have to ruin everything.
Also aware of why there are so many faggots these days.
Never was a fan of juice.
I sure as hell hope the traditional nuclear style family comes back.
Everyone is always trying to push the envelope and be the next biggest trend by doing the dumbest fucking shit on the planet.
When they start(which they have) pushing it on kids and bringing them into their faggy world, that's the kind of shit that makes me want to go Texas chainsaw massacre on them.
Is that normal to want to kill disgusting sick freaks before they infect children?
Would also mean the ability for one person being able to make a living wage and support that MAGA family.
Back when Ford motor company first took off, they paid their employees the equivalent of $50/hr in today's money.
Jumped on the Kappy bandwagon.
Dumbasses can't admit being wrong about bad actor Kappy because they praised him like blind sheep.
Same dumbasses who won't acknowledge the JQ problem even though it's a basic reason Q came to chans to begin with.
And a RT.
BHO, where you at bitch!?
Come out and play with us.
Show is starting to finally fucking get good naow.
When this is all said and done, POTUS45 will be carved into Mt. Rushmore.