Anonymous ID: c2aac6 May 31, 2019, 3:03 p.m. No.6639439   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9451

PDJT “Insurance Policy” EXTREME ACTIONS “backup plan” against the Coup d’état”



IMO for over 3-years starting with Hillary Emails & Clinton Foundation; PDJT will take if necessary “Extreme Actions” (insurance policy and PDJT duty) to ensure alleged criminals who planned and implemented this Coup d’état” will face the full force of the Criminal Justice System.


PDJT history in business in how he eventually took revenge on those who betrayed him “added” to PDJT sworn duty to save himself/family the Constitution and the American People will take “Extreme Actions” if Barr fails;

  1. PDJT will do “what-ever” is necessary; duty to the Constitution and the American People to insure the U.S. is not dismantled by the destruction of the rule of law.

  2. PDJT will give the Attorney General and FBI director X amount of time for Justice to happen; PART-1 of P/T insurance policy, if needed has a “Sworn Duty” to directly manage the FBI/DOJ.

  3. PDJT if needed; would replace the FBI with the United States Marshals Department (recommended by Judicial Watch repeatedly).

  4. PDJT if needed would implement a root canal into FBI/DOJ and all other departments involved with the Coup d’état”-(Easily done by following the paper/digital trails of obstruction).

  5. Any Attorney General, DOJ management, FBI director or FBI Management not investigating corruption would be fired and investigated (Paper/digital trails will easily/clearly show this).

  6. Any FBI/DOJ employees; anyone who hides, alters, destroys or delays information that is needed to do proper investigations according to policies and procedures will be terminated and possibly charged with obstruction of Justice etc.

A. IMO Barr should immediately send a letter to all government employees that he has a sworn duty do prosecute.

B. Barr needs to prosecute leakers identified by Horowitz.

  1. PDJT “Knows” directly/indirectly where the paper/digital trails of evidence are located.

  2. If any department FBI, DOJ, CIA, DNI, shows any resistance of producing documents; PDJT and Barr have the power to by-pass normal procedures for the release of Documents by walking into the FBI/DOJ/CIA/DNI or any department and demand documents immediately.

  3. Extreme Extraordinary Action; Military Tribunals is always an option.

  4. Etc.


These criminals are trying to jail PDJT, his family and disenfranchise between 63 and 80 million of PDJT voters by using fake news/laws (Goal is for the United States to cease its existence).


The “only” option to save the Constitution is by; implementing the full force of the criminal codes against this Coup d’état” and make sure punishment for criminals will be heard around the world and for the next 100 years.


Barr using the full force of the criminal codes according to his sworn duty (must have promised PDJT during job interview); PDJT implementing Extreme measures would then not being necessary. I assume Barr has not sent a letter to all government employees (yet) that he will prosecute any and all employees if there is any resistance of releasing documents or disguise documents of being highly classified when they obviously shouldn’t (as already seen) etc.; as obstruction of Justice etc. Barr must have his reasons for waiting to write this letter. Maybe Barr is setting a trap (set-up) which IMO is not necessary because all the criminals are already trapped.



A good portion of the United States was divided forever by Obama, Hillary and the Globalist. There is no way to heal the country or bring the country back to the same number of people believing and supporting U.S. Constitution before Obama became President. The question is can PDJT bring back a high percentage of the people; my guess is 20% by implementing the criminal codes. Do not worry about healing the country and changing the minds of 30% (lost forever) of the country; this would be a waste of time.

Anonymous ID: c2aac6 May 31, 2019, 3:04 p.m. No.6639451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9649



PDJT “Insurance Policy” EXTREME ACTIONS “backup plan” against the Coup d’état”




Along with stopping the Globalist; this Civil Legal War is good because it has brought out what so many (guess est. 30%) really felt about the Constitution and the United States. After indictments and prosecutions (extreme punishment) of criminals; this will bring back about 20% (guess est.) of the population by showing the truth and how this was a Coup d’état” that would have converted the U.S. to a prearranged 3rd world country. After indictments/prosecutions of criminals; Control and Procedures can then be written to ensure this will never happen again and to protect the Constitution from criminals, globalist and 30% of the country who will never believe in the Constitution.


Best and “Only” hope for the divided country;

IMO; After Criminals face the full force of the Criminal Codes; PDJT will possibly gain “20 million voters” (wild guess) who were misled/uniformed and the 30% (wild guess) of the population who are probably permanently brainwashed and/or always had an inner belief that the Constitution needs to be eliminated, most likely will be lost forever. The 30% will continue down their path to eliminate/destroy the Constitution which will be impossible to accomplish when the Rule of Law is restored.


As noted repeatedly by many; without indictments/prosecutions the United States will Cease to exist


IMO Barr will be successful so PDJT extreme measures will not be necessary.

Anonymous ID: c2aac6 May 31, 2019, 3:07 p.m. No.6639474   🗄️.is 🔗kun

These will be voted on soon in the House:


(((H.R. 2820))), the Dream Act, would grant amnesty to approximately 3.5 million illegal aliens. The bill contains no enforcement provisions to prevent future amnesties and fails to address the ongoing border crisis, which is a direct result of last year’s amnesty votes in Congress.


(((H.R. 2821))), the American Promise Act, would grant a permanent amnesty to more than 450,000 foreign citizens (mostly illegal aliens) from certain countries who have received Temporary Protected Status.



At 2017 rates (haven’t seen anything more recent) we have as taxpayers paid for the birth of approximately 850,000 ANCHOR BABIES just since the Inauguration of President Trump.


That is nearly a million people who have not only full access to all benefits provided to citizens (although at the moment it seems they’d do better to be invaders anyway) but also legal access to the ballot box and the opportunity to destroy our Constitutional Republic.


Although this clearly from the legislative record is NOT what was intended when the XIVth and XVth Amendments were passed, it is a travesty that has gone on steroids since 1982-3.


While I don’t believe the last 35 years of damage can be undone, I DO believe that President Trump could put a Stop date on this practice with an EO, then let it follow to where we know it is inevitably headed, the SC.


The births of millions of people in this country who belong to a culture which normalizes gang/drugs/human trafficking/extreme violence and who vocally express their support of their home country rather than the country which has been forced by activist judges to support them for several decades has left us in a situation where we simply CANNOT AFFORD ANY MORE AMNESTY.


Now you know why I want tear gas at the border, a Wall, the heat barrier, anything non-lethal as long as the invaders are not violent, to stop the invasion, and massive, MASSIVE, deportations.



Saw the clip with the Angel Mom this morning: She said they want to prevent just one more family from having to join the Angel Family club. Wish our elected felt the same.