Daily reminder that Q is a fucking kike and his "god" yahweh is the father of all lies and the real satan
Mfw yahweh is lucifer from gensis
Daily reminder that Q is a fucking kike and his "god" yahweh is the father of all lies and the real satan
Mfw yahweh is lucifer from gensis
So when are we fighting to the death freddy
Daniel im going to blow my brains out because of your demon god
Youre all lucky i dont want to hurt anyone else
If you control patterns how come youre torturing me daniel
Yeah you arnt
Q is
The elite are in the best position theyve ever been in
People used to know how evil they are
Not so much anymore
Whats the color in Q world?
Q could tell you people the sky is purple and youd all believe it lmao
Thats gonna be me in like 6 months tbh
Fuck you if you enlist
If you enlist your only goal should be to sabotage the millitary if theres a civil war between real patriots and the people behind Q
Do not ever vote
Form millitias
Join the masons
The army
All deep state organizations
Then sabotage them if you can
Or play the long game