[RR] first said "I can land the plane."
Then Barr said "I'm landing the plane."
Hey, uh, "Scrizz Scrazz", your side now doesn't care if the baby is killed after its born, and kept comfy for a while, while the doctor and woman plot a murder.
It's difficult learning from fools, but I'll try.
Christ was before Daniel, and made the world Daniel was born into.
Daniel was a Jew, not a Christian.
Christian is a derogatory term for people dumb enough to think their executed leader rose from the dead (He did).
Daniel did not follow Christ, God the Son.
Daniel followed God the Father, and believed Moses and the Prophets, of which he was one.
I do not like thinking faggot; it is unnatural.
Not Daniel.
Aye, the country can survive a horrific president like Hussein, but it cannot survive 60,000,000 people who thought he was a good president.
Barr's Away!
What color is the sky in your world?
Daniel died. Daniel wavered.
Jesus incarnated over 1900 years ago; He is eternal.
Daniel was a Jew. So was Jesus.
Jesus is the Hypostatic Union between Man and God; fully Man, and fully God.
Christian is a derogatory term coined in Antioch to mock the people of The Way.
Daniel had knowledge of the eternal God when Jesus is the eternal God. Fact.
Not Daniel.
Your masters visibly worried yet?
Things that never happened, the blog.
Your logic is shit.
This group of people is too poor to have large families.
This group of people, being poor, have huge families.
You make so many baseless assertions, but at least you stick to your script.
You brag about your children.
You brag about how old you are, how long you've been around.
Voted for Reagan.
Many grandkids.
Your bullshit glows from 40,000 feet, and this place is not for you.
Told SpouseAnon today that if HRC stole the election, we would be vaporized here on the left coast. Eradicated. Irradiated. Shadows burned on the sidewalk.
Everything POTUS did after winning the election is gravy.
Nigel, obv.
>I've been around for a while now..
>long before you knew what "Reee" or "Kek"
You forgot your script.
Yes, dummy.
Now justify your argument:
For white people, having large families is expensive, but for dirt poor muslims, it's easy.
Well, if not Nigel, then Basil Fawlty.
Every bot comment is a bot comment about a bot comment.
Me either.
cough not always.
Amazing. You can see right into the dark hollow center of the shell.
It's taking them a while to move through the 5 stages of grief, is it not?
I believe we are in, what, depression now?
False flags have real casualties. They're just blamed on somone who did not do the act.
Hoaxes have no casualties. See, e.g., Sandy Hook.
They took their best shot, with a SAM over WA.
They missed.
And now the greatest counter-puncher in recent history has drawn back his arm.