Anonymous ID: 1049fd May 31, 2019, 4:46 p.m. No.6640344   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump Administration Deploys Dozens Of DHS Agents To Guatemala-Mexico Border


If President Trump's decision to impose tariffs on Mexican imports and withhold aid money from Central America were examples of the stick, then the White House is following up with a surprising carrot.


After Trump's surprise tariff announcement triggered a steep selloff in markets on Friday, it appears the administration is pivoting to a novel new strategy: Sending dozens of DHS agents and investigators to Guatemala to try and stem the tide of unauthorized immigration.


First reported late Friday by the Washington Post, Acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan has reportedly lobbied heavily to take a more "muscular" approach to working with local governments to solve the root cause of the immigration crisis. According to a memorandum of understanding with the Guatemalan government signed by McAleenan, approximately Customs Agents and DHS investigators will be deployed to Guatemala to work side-by-side with local police. US agents will help train local police, as well as assist in "law enforcement actions" to improve criminal investigations, to try and break the stranglehold that powerful drug gangs have on society.


The agents will be deployed along the Guatemala-Mexico border, where they will focus on some of the poorest areas of the country. US troops are expected to carry weapons, and, according to WaPo, in what appears to be a trial run, DHS agents helped Guatemalan police arrest nine suspected smugglers in Guatemala City.


"The U.S. and Guatemala are formalizing a number of initiatives to improve the lives and security of our respective citizens by combating human trafficking and the smuggling of illegal goods, helping to limit 'push' factors that encourage dangerous irregular migration to the U.S., perpetuating the ongoing crisis at or border," McAleenan said in a statement, after signing a "Memorandum of Cooperation" with Guatemalan officials.


"Other areas of cooperation include increasing the security of the Guatemalan border to stem the flow of irregular migration while ensuring proper preparation to improve the ability of both countries to identify and better understand their root causes," according to DHS.


WaPo points out that there is a legal precedent for sending American personnel to Central America: The DEA has been doing it for years. But those operations are typically much more limited in scope. Seeing that the deployment looks similar to the military's use of American 'advisors' in parts of the Middle East, we can't help but wonder. Have fears about boots on the ground in Venezuela been misplaced? Could Central America be a more likely candidate for American military intervention in this hemisphere?

Anonymous ID: 1049fd May 31, 2019, 4:47 p.m. No.6640352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0376 >>0633

Nervous, Andy? McCabe Backs Down From Claims Trump is a Russian Asset


Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe this week backed down from claims that President Trump is a Russian asset.


McCabe appeared on MSNBC Thursday to discuss Mueller’s pathetic press conference.


McCabe, who was fired last year after the Inspector General found that he ‘lacked candor,’ including under oath several times, previously said that it was possible Donald Trump was a Russian asset.


McCabe was a part of the attempted coup to remove Donald Trump from the White House and he previously said, without offering any evidence whatsoever, that he thought Trump was somehow compromised by the Russians and coordinating with the Kremlin.


On Thursday, the former FBI officials backed down from the those claims.


“Well, I think that the report makes clear that they did not uncover evidence of that sort of a relationship. So, based on what Director Mueller’s team revealed in their report, I’d have to say no, we still have not seen clear evidence of that,” McCabe said on Thursday.


McCabe knows he is in trouble because the newly confirmed Attorney General is about the rule of law and launched a massive investigation into the origins of Spygate.


McCabe signed the final FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page in June of 2017, a month after he opened TWO investigations into Trump.


Shortly after IG Horowitz released his report on McCabe, it was revealed the Inspector General sent a criminal referral for Andrew McCabe to the US Attorney’s office about the FBI’s investigation into the Clinton Foundation.


A grand jury was previously impaneled to investigate whether McCabe purposely misguided officials over his role in unauthorized disclosures to The Wall Street Journal — and he still has not been indicted!

Anonymous ID: 1049fd May 31, 2019, 4:49 p.m. No.6640364   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Ugly End of Globalization


Sometime in the fall of 2018 a lowly gofer at the New York Stock Exchange was sweating bullets. He’d made an honest mistake. One that could forever tag him a buffoon.


After trading sideways for most of the spring, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was on the move. When it closed at 26,828 on October 3, it appeared the Dow was but one trading day away from eclipsing 27,000. Everyone, including Jim Cramer, just knew it was about to happen.


And this was precisely what the NYSE gofer feared most. For he’d failed to procure Dow 27,000 hats. What a shame it would be for Wall Street’s most revered index to notch this historic milestone with no commemorative hats for floor traders to put on while they go bananas.


But then a miracle happen. The Dow didn’t go up; rather, it went down. A week later, to the gofers relief, the Dow 27,000 hats arrived…in advance of Dow 27,000.


And now, nearly eight months later, Dow 27,000 remains elusive. After pulling back in October of last year, the Dow made another run at it last month. But, again, fell short. Hence, the hats remain stowed away in a box in the back of a broom closet.


By our estimation, that’s where the Dow 27,000 hats will stay until about 2050 – or even later. Moreover, when it’s finally time to pull them out, we suspect Wall Street cheerleading will have long since gone out of style. What a waste of perfectly good hats.


But fear not. All’s not lost…

Anonymous ID: 1049fd May 31, 2019, 4:58 p.m. No.6640430   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Upcoming Trilateral Russia -Israel -US National Security Advisors Summit. Focus on Syria and Iran


The Russian, “Israeli”, and American National Security Advisors will hold their first-ever trilateral summit in Jerusalem in June to discuss what the White House described as “regional security issues”, which is an obvious euphemism for Syria & Iran and the role that the three national security experts expect them to play in the so-called “Deal of the Century” that will begin being rolled out by that time.


Trump’s so-called “Deal of the Century” will be rolled out after the end of Ramadan in June, around which time the American, “Israeli”, and Russian National Security Advisors will hold their first-ever trilateral summit in Jerusalem to discuss what the White House described as “regional security issues”, which obviously refers to this forthcoming concept and the role that Syria & Iran are expected to play in it. Officially speaking, Russia is against the “Deal of the Century”, yet it also interestingly made it possible for the US to “recognize” “Israel’s” annexation of the Golan Heights and fulfill one of its likely goals after carving out a 140 kilometer anti-Iranian “buffer zone” in southern Syria last summer. Russia did this and many other favors for “Israel” because of Moscow’s alliance with the self-professed “Jewish State”, which has led to the creation of “Putinyahu’s Rusrael” as one of the most powerful forces in contemporary Mideast geopolitics. It’s only natural, then, that Russia would move closer to “Israel’s” original American patron, which partially explains why their National Security Advisors will soon be meeting together in Jerusalem.


The other related reason is that Russia is currently in the process of negotiating a “New Detente” with the US in exchange for sanctions relief and other (possibly geopolitical) perks, and with “Israel” being the common ally between them, it makes sense for it to serve as the site for such an historic security summit. The “Deal of the Century” — which is basically intended to be the US’ envisaged successor to Sykes-Picot — will be the main item on the agenda, and the US will likely insist that Russia ensures Iran’s dignified but “phased withdrawal” from Syria as part of this regional geopolitical re-engineering effort in order to make progress on the nascent “New Detente”. Russia’s been trying to do this for nearly the past year already and even refused to provide any assistance to Syria during its latest fuel crisis as part of its indirect pressure campaign on Damascus to this end, yet Moscow has thus far failed to achieve any visible results, though that might finally be changing if the reports about Hezbollah’s withdrawal turn out to be true. Should that be the case, then one could expect Iranian forces to soon begin withdrawing too.

Anonymous ID: 1049fd May 31, 2019, 5 p.m. No.6640439   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0569 >>0599 >>0851 >>0981

White House Trade Adviser Defends Trump’s Tariffs, Says Mexico Is Exporting Illegal Aliens


President Donald Trump’s new tariffs on Mexico are based on national security and economy threats and are a response to Mexico’s “export” of illegal aliens, White House trade adviser Peter Navarro said.


Navarro, speaking to CNBC on May 31, legally justified the president’s decision to impose a 5 percent tariff on all goods entering the United States from Mexico by citing the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, which requires a national emergency.


“Clearly we have that at the border,” Navarro told the network, referring to the massive influx of illegal immigrants. Trump declared a national emergency on Feb. 15 to address the humanitarian crisis on the southwest border and to secure funds for border-wall construction.


Border Patrol officials had apprehended over 500,000 illegal aliens on the southern border as of May 10. Navarro also made reference to what he said was Mexico’s biggest export to the United States.


“If you look at it from an investor’s point of view and a corporate point of view, what we have in Mexico is the export—one of their high exports—of illegal aliens. And it’s a criminal enterprise,” Navarro told CNBC.


The Mexican government needs to do three things, Navarro said: the first is to “interdict” the numerous choke points along Guatemala’s small 150-mile border, where he said most of the migrants were entering from.


The second is for them to “break up these transnational criminal organizations and this supply chain,” and the third, he explained, was for Mexico to “keep their asylum seekers on their side of the border,” citing the fact that Mexico has promised to help the U.S. with asylum.


“The numbers that we are facing here are staggering,” he added. “This is a crisis.”


Navarro also described the presidents move as not a “tariff war” but simply a measure to get Mexico “to do what it should be doing.”

Anonymous ID: 1049fd May 31, 2019, 5:03 p.m. No.6640459   🗄️.is 🔗kun

De Blasio And Cuomo Skip Out On 9/11 Memorial Dedication


New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. Andrew Cuomo were absent from Thursday’s dedication ceremony for a 9/11 memorial for recovery workers affected by toxin exposure.

De Blasio’s office said the event conflicted with the mayor’s schedule, but he was spotted at a nearby gym about 30 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony.

“They ought to be ashamed of themselves,” the sister of a firefighter who died from 9/11 related illnesses in 2016 told the New York Post.


New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. Andrew Cuomo were nowhere to be seen at the Thursday morning dedication for the new 9/11 Memorial Glade, a monument dedicated to recovery workers affected by toxin exposure following the 2001 terror attacks.


De Blasio’s office said the event conflicted with the mayor’s schedule, but the 2020 Democratic presidential candidate was spotted at a nearby gym about 30 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony, the New York Post reported.


“The Mayor’s team determined they could not make the event work with his schedule,” de Blasio spokesman Freddi Goldstein told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “The event was not brought to his attention and if he had known about the invitation, he would have attended.”


More than 2,000 rescue and recovery workers have died from inhaling toxic fumes following the attacks, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s World Trade Center Health Program.

Anonymous ID: 1049fd May 31, 2019, 5:05 p.m. No.6640476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0500 >>0533 >>0545 >>0547 >>0564 >>0569 >>0571 >>0587 >>0622 >>0632 >>0643 >>0644 >>0664 >>0705 >>0851 >>0981

Elton John Blasts Brexit: ‘I Am a European – Not a Stupid, Imperialist English Idiot’


The UK’s handling of the Brexit process and its associated outcomes has left Elton John feeling ashamed of his homeland.


While performing on Wednesday in Verona, Italy on his global farwell tour, the Guardian reports he told the audience: “I’m ashamed of my country for what it has done. It’s torn people apart … I am sick to death of politicians, especially British politicians. I am sick to death of Brexit. I am a European. I am not a stupid, colonial, imperialist English idiot.”


The singer launched his 60-second tirade during the Italian leg of his farewell tour, Farewell Yellow Brick Road


This is not the first time the 72-year-old singer voiced his opinion over Brexit.


In July 2018, he argued British voters hadn’t been “told the truth” and had been promised something that could not be delivered.


“I don’t think people in Britain were told the truth to start with. They were promised something that was completely ridiculous and wasn’t economically viable,” Elton John said. And, he added, the Brexit process was as confusing as “walking through Hampton Court maze blindfolded, being turned around 16 times and trying to find your way out.”


Born Reginald Kenneth Dwight in northwest London, John has sold over 300 million records worldwide, won five Grammys, a Tony and an Oscar.


The Grammy-winner also went down in British Royal history when he performed his song “Candle in the Wind” with reworked lyrics at the funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales, in 1997. She had been a personal friend.


John announced last year he would be retiring from touring after his current three-year farewell tour, saying he wanted to spend time with his children.


No Elton you are a cock munching shit licker!

Anonymous ID: 1049fd May 31, 2019, 5:09 p.m. No.6640496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0563

LI teacher who admitted to raping student gets probation in plea deal




A former math teacher from Valley Stream who admitted to raping a 14-year-old student walked out of court after being sentenced to probation.


The teenage victim left the courtroom surrounded by family and friends. Inside, the 18-year-old sobbed as she read a victim impact statement to the judge ahead of the sentencing of her former math teacher at Lawrence Woodmere Academy.


In that statement, the victim called 33-year-old Daniel McMenamin a "narcissistic, sociopathic child molester" who she said sought her out the first time when she was alone in the lunchroom at 14 years old. She said he coerced her into a three-year sexual relationship.


McMenamin walked out of the Mineola courtroom with a sentence of 10 years' probation. He previously pleaded guilty to rape, and the no jail-time deal was agreed to by both the district attorney's office and the teenage victim, who said Thursday that she has "anxiety" and did not want to testify at a trial.


In her statement, the victim also had harsh words for the administrators, coaches and other teachers at Lawrence Woodmere Academy, saying they knew what was going on and did nothing to protect her.


The board president of the academy said in a statement that as a result of the case, "new leadership is in place" and that the school "worked with an independent third party to develop and provide additional training and protocols to help prevent unacceptable behavior from occurring."


McMenamin was given a chance to speak at the end of the hearing, but he spoke so softly that no one in the audience could hear. His attorney wouldn't tell News 12 what he said.


McMenamin must register as a sex offender and had his teaching license revoked.


McMenamin was arrested this March and also pleaded guilty to making inappropriate sexual comments to a teen he had started tutoring.

Anonymous ID: 1049fd May 31, 2019, 5:20 p.m. No.6640575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0693

Putin meets Kim


Trump meets Abe


Putin, Abe to meet on sidelines of G20 summit


Almonds activated!

Anonymous ID: 1049fd May 31, 2019, 5:23 p.m. No.6640596   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: 1049fd May 31, 2019, 5:26 p.m. No.6640616   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rep. Jerry Nadler Claims There is ‘Certainly’ Justification to Impeach Trump — But They Can’t Do It Without Public Support


House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler claimed in a radio interview on Friday that “there certainly is” justification to impeach President Donald Trump — but that they can’t do it without public support.


Speaking to WNYC, Rep. Nadler said that you cannot impeach a president without public support, and implied that Americans don’t support it because they are uniformed.


“Impeachment is a political act, and you cannot impeach a president if the American people will not support it,” Rep. Nadler said. “The American people, right now, do not support it because they do not know the story. They don’t know the facts.”


“We have to get the facts out. We have to hold a series of hearings, we have to hold the investigations.”


The anti-Trump Democrat added that he plans to “have a dialogue with the American people so people can make informed decisions and know what’s going on.”


“It’s very important that [Special Counsel Robert Mueller], to a television audience and to the American people, state [his findings] and answer questions about it, even if there is no new information,” Nadler said.


Mueller has said that he has no intention of testifying before Congress, however, and wants to return to private life.


“I hope and expect this to be the only time I will speak to you on this matter,” Mueller told reporters Wednesday. “No one has told me whether I can or should testify or speak further about this matter.”


“There has been discussion about an appearance before Congress,” he continued. “Any testimony from this office would not go beyond our report. It contains our findings and analysis, and the reasons for the decisions we made. We chose those words carefully, and the work speaks for itself.”

Anonymous ID: 1049fd May 31, 2019, 5:30 p.m. No.6640639   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think it's becoming apparent that it's an all or nothing deal, once they grab one they must grab all as they will scatter.


The more they dig into the criminality the more crims they find.