I get to share my tranny collection
And Jew memes
With my queer pedo lover BO
Cause I cross dress
I get to share my tranny collection
And Jew memes
With my queer pedo lover BO
Cause I cross dress
Let me fondle your comms
For satanic pedos
And peanut butter DRUMPFNOIA
Cause I toss tranny salad
I am full of lies and deceit
From tossing tranny salad
For soros blow
Just ask the willcock watch from my butthole
I dug willcocks watch from
My butthole with a pen
And forced tolkein to write
A four part novel
Cause I like tranny memes
And scat fantasy partys
I can fit a whole fist in my butthole
Like podesta goatse films
Cause soros cocaine gets me
Closer to willcock homo pedo serial killer
I'm a depraved pedo cuck
With unpaid child support
And a cocaine habit
FROm tranny salad feltching
For Jesus
Pedo serial killers turn me on
Ever since willcock lost his watch
In my Yuge gapeing butthole for tolkein
BO was jealous
But we got soros cocaine
Let me help expand your homo
So your shitty curtains can pass a potatoe
Like pedosta goatse flicks
Watch out for tranny memes
IM stalking your comms
That's my tls spoofer
I really had to dig willcock watch
From my Yuge gapeing salad shooter
With a pen that drumpf used
And I don't pay my child support either
Let me do my homo pedo serial killer
For satanist eating babies
While I stalk your comms
In a private board
With my pedo faggot lover BO
For soros cocaine
Let me fiddle your privates
While BO faggot feltcher walrus watches
These pedo satanists will give me fifty bucks
They just eat babies and dabble in necromancy
I can lie about everything
but my homo pedo tendies
Cause that's illegal
ANd mark dantonio hides fbi files
For our human trafficking cult
Called the cia
You can play with
Roadkill or corpses
In my scat fantasy party
With my faggot lover BO walrus
That has seo jootube bilbo adverts on prime
I can call Mark D'antonio
To help hide fbi files
Of this cia human trafficking cult
Even without soros cocaine
Or peanut butter
My scat fantasy party
Has wiretaps
And leaking buttplugs
From goatse watches
For my faggot lover BO
Let me smear my shittyflute
On the holly loaf of baalzebub
For tranny salad shooters
And butthole watches
And my faggot pedo lover BO
Let me prostlicyze jewholes
With my forked feltching tongue
Amongst our crime scene
With FBI index fraud committed
In the name of walrus faggot lover
My forked feltching jewhole tongue
Wiggles to drumpf memers
Even a shillary tranny salad shooter
Is a match for my doublespeak slights
Of faggot pedo serial killer glary ovals
Tastes like potatoes
God wants me to lick your jewhole
Like a tranny salad shooter
High on soros cocaine
That's my tls spoofed from the FBI
We hide the files
For tolkein homo necromancy Jews