This live stream CRUSHES it.
So, worth my time listening!
THINK as you listen.
This hands down is Owen's best stream in long time guise.
He does exactly what all of us Anons do here in QUESTIONING NARRATIVES, only he does it with his name and on video in the open. This stream has so many ideas that I TOO have often thought about and believe to be SO TRUE. Owen is one of us, he is an ANON who is not anonymous, as I see it.
GOOD STUFF in this stream.
Worth a listen…..his questions and HMMM's are very similiar to my own….
"I am not anti-semite……I am anti-wizite"
Great quote and so true…..entire livestream has golden nuggets
of truth telling……THIS video is a great video to give to all your
non-Q friends and family to get them THINKING.