Even Barr will not reveal that x-Agent was western based creation - sources and methods.
Kapersky group reported that one attack failed with x-agent and within an hour another attack occurred and was not discovered until second level - it got through. That is not Russia economic scale that is USA.
DNC and HRC had a major breach - they had to clean it up - Clowdstrike (Russian and two exFBI) to blame Russians. Then find facebook ads from Russians then huge conspiracy to hack election when lost. Then amplify because we cannot go back. We have to finish it or 'we all hang'.
Symantic had a fix for even the ios x-agent malware in early 2015 yet DNC hacked in mid 2016.
who has the power to modify a malware on the hour and tech?
Russia (?economics)
Private ?
origin Podesta, HRC, Fusion, and then it went to Obama administration.
Clowdstrike and Xagent is very suspicious.
Nothing got started until Clowdstrike was the only source for DNC servers.
FBI denied. Like the FBI can be denied if they wanted it.
4AM raid.
will it happen - no answer
Hannity this shit is weak - this is not evidence.
hannity evidence or TOGTFO
I have no absolutely no ability to let people not know at this point. At this point if you don't have a 90 percent knowledge base you are normie and this board was and should never be for normies or shills.
The key to this whole thing is suppressor - that is the link to illegal activity.
The funny ass part of this is that this real sheriff will have a new FBI agent standing behind him staring him down
fox mags legal - the suppressor was not focus on that bitch.
WTF everyone missed it!!!!!!!!!!!
normies shut the fuck up
just look up how hard it is to get a suppressor in your state.
any one not a fed has a hard time getting a suppressor legally. It can be done even by private citizens - but only easy if federal law enforcement.
and all other Hannity Han
wtf - it was just going to be more normie shit.
So sad Hannity is not an anons primary source. Anons can think for themselves - ie Suppressor.