Does anyone know where i can get the last half of Hannity. Parents wanted to see it and im not finding it anywhere
I appreciate it, but was hoping to find the part that North Ham took over
Not trying to be a dick, but i kinda thought this was obvious
It's on infowars. I know most here don't like it, but still nice to keep around for some things
Do your own due dilligence and stop getting butthurt, snowflake
Fuck this schizo moron
Ill "kind" what i want, but thanks for getting your panties in a wad. Makes my time here that much more enjoyable.
You dont chan much, do you
Oh wise one, please continue to bless us with your insights and presence
You don't win anyone with hate. Only love. If you really want people to wake up and understand you must bring them under your wing like a father.
Enclosed ones dont count
No, im saying fuck sb. If you know anything about the guy you wouldnt trust him with literally anything