Virginia Beach active shooter drill scheduled for tomorrow.
Local media posted this youtube segment 5 hours before the shooting.
Virginia Beach active shooter drill scheduled for tomorrow.
Local media posted this youtube segment 5 hours before the shooting.
Hannity? None.
Hannity's guests have some top intel.
So many disclosures but for a retard, I can see how that might get confusing for you
Know what the saddest part of all is?
Somebody like Hillary Clinton could of been a great person. Could of accomplished amazing things, made the world a better place. She even could of been the first woman president.
But instead she choose to be a stinking corrupt piece of shit.
that lady probably died like 8 times. Probably got robot legs at this point.But she still is going all over reassuring retards shes not evil and everybody else is.
Hillary, do lay down dear.
Suicide weekend, anons. I feel it