Anonymous ID: c1904f May 31, 2019, 8:22 p.m. No.6642345   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2372 >>2414 >>2427 >>2466


OT God intervened. Often.

NT God does not.


OT God had to walk through the garden in search of Adam and Eve; couldn't find them at first.

NT God is all knowing, powerful, present.


OT God didn't like man's exercise of free will.

NT God is sort of Libertarian in that regard (except for that part in the end where your choices lead to eternal salvation or damnation - not really a choice; more of a gambit really).


OT God likes blood sacrifice for atonement of sins. Gets thirsty after sitting on the chair all day, I guess.

NT God thinks that's a bit messy. BTW, did anyone ever catch that time Jesus brought a sacrifice to the temple? Didn't think so.


OT God did NOT like homosexuals. Like, really, really didn't like them. At all.

NT God didn't say one single solitary thing about them. Paul had a few choice words, though. Sure did. Keep in mind that Paul also was one of those "OT God types" for most of his life.


OT God flooded "earth", and said never again.

NT God "let's nature do what it must"; sometimes that means letting places get flooded.


OT God demanded worship through temples/courts, and priests.

NT God says you just need to have a personal relationship with God directly.


It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out the discrepancy here, and why the Pharisees put Christ on the cross. Christ taught a philosophy based on the golden rule, charity, compassion, giving of yourself to others, direct communion with God, and usury = bad. This neutered the control structure/profit margins, so that had to stop. So, the Pharisees had him killed. Long/Short, they infiltrated the church because it the message took off so well. Then, we had a few hundred years of "not really sure what exactly happened, but somehow, the church survived all that, and then the Holy Roman Empire (1st Reich), and eventually the Roths own the Catholic Church under the 2nd Reich, and then Hitler, and here we are today in this thread.



Same group of morons want to establish dominance over us now. Same group of demons that control many churches/religions, governments, banks, businesses, etc. Like Q said, good vs evil.


I'm not kidding you, every time I hear someone say "It's all about the blood!" when referencing Christ, these days, I cringe. Transubstantiation is not what people think it is. Not at all.

Anonymous ID: c1904f May 31, 2019, 8:27 p.m. No.6642396   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well, after reading it again, I did use "Long/Short" twice. Sort of embarrassed by that, but I can tell but your point-by-point rebuttable that the content of the post was mostly skimmed over, and you probably missed that as well on your first go.