Anonymous ID: fda3b4 May 31, 2019, 7:49 p.m. No.6642061   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Four For Friday - A Favor Declined - House On St. Charles


When you are dealing with Hollywood, it seems that many of the ideas they have for scripts are not very original. It is the same thing all of the time. This is not always the case and three decades ago a movie was made which showed the premise of how the government could use people who worked in the movies to make things look real when they weren't. The idea wasn't just a thought plucked out of the air, it was happening. It has been shown in the movies several times since, usually based on real life incidents. This is not about that though.


The owners of the House On St. Charles saw a benefit to having someone who had experience in movies, and specifically in production design make things look real or to set things up in a way to make things seem like something they were not. So, with a ton of money in their pocket, they went out and found one of the very best that has been.


An offer was made and from time to time this A list production designer would help out with projects. He knew what he was doing, but didn't know what was being done with what he was doing. That was his version anyway. Over the years, he managed to steer a lot of high profile celebrities to the people who owned the house. They, in turn made further introductions. It was a huge network and the owners always were looking for every advantage they could get.


At some point, this A+ list mostly movie actor was introduced by our designer to someone involved with ownership. That apparently led to many adventures in the house and elsewhere where the A+ lister was filmed doing things which would cause great damage to his career. In fact, it was at this time that the A+ lister pulled back.


The A+ lister discovered the recordings when he was asked for some special favors. Our actor completed those tasks but wanted out. He contacted the designer who had been the source of the introduction and asked for help. The designer agreed to help and had a meeting with some of the decision makers. He got angry and huffed and puffed and said he didn't sign up for the kind of thing that the actor had to do favor wise. Our designer threatened to go public. He was killed that same night.


Comments are guessing at either Brad Pitt or Clooney, also Nic Cage or John Goodman


Since y'all are just throwing names out there:


Production Designer: J. Michael Riva. Worked on everything from The Color Purple to the first Garfield Spiderman. Died in New Orleans in 2012. Last film he worked on was Django Unchained.


A+ Actor: Leonardo DiCaprio, star of Django Unchained


House: is in New Orleans. Rumored by enty to be the home of…bad stuff. Probably involving kids.


Django Unchained was filmed in New Orleans


Also, the film in the first paragraph, completely unrelated is F/X, a late 80s thriller starring Bryan Brown and Brian Dennehy about an effects man hired to help stage an assassination.


"The rumor is that there’s lots of child sexual abuse/prostitution and drug use going on there, with celebrities, politicians and other big wigs involved."


momo said…


Cage owned a house around the corner from St. Charles, on Prytania, for a time. Before he owned it I was in it several times as the former owner, post Anne Rice, let me bring tour groups in. It looked like the set of Caligula and it had formerly been a church. Goodman and Trent Reznor also were in the same hood, and owned the same house at different times. Seemed like no one was ever there, actually.


Hollyweird colonizes its evil everywhere. Always watch your back in really old US cities, especially the southern ones. Most people are friendly and good, but they attract a dark element. Be aware.


Anonymous ID: fda3b4 May 31, 2019, 8:03 p.m. No.6642190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2241


This version is the only way I ever hear "Clowns" in my head.

Go to 1:20 and tell me your hair doesn't stand on end.

Let's find out if there's a DCIanon lurking.

o7 Gail Royer

Anonymous ID: fda3b4 May 31, 2019, 8:22 p.m. No.6642350   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2402 >>2409 >>2426

Anybody else watching this History channel thing "Unidentified"?

Tom DeLong & Podesta

Entire gaggle of whistleblowers


Yeah, disclosure is coming, just a matter of time

I'm surprisingly underwhelmed at the prospect


Also, a commercial with trailer for new "Men in Black: International"

Anonymous ID: fda3b4 May 31, 2019, 8:36 p.m. No.6642467   🗄️.is 🔗kun


this article says that unlike the IG, Huber will have the authority to convene a grand jury and subpoena witnesses outside the DOJ’s employees