Anonymous ID: 55523d May 31, 2019, 10:13 p.m. No.6643111   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3135 >>3157 >>3166 >>3199 >>3211

What is the angle with this? Seems like an push for anti-septic laws


NYU’s Commencement Speaker Spews Hatred of Israel, Calls for Boycott – Audience Cheers


The American left does not even hide their hatred for Israel anymore.

Just ask Rep. Ilhan Omar.


This year’s graduation speaker at New York University labeled President Trump a fascist and then called for a boycott of the “apartheid state” of Israel in his speech.


And the audience cheered this gross anti-Semitic display.


Pamela Geller attended the graduation and suffered through the disgusting display.


Pamela Geller: I had the misfortune to witness the undergrad NYU ceremony yesterday at Radio City Music Hall….. This was not my first time at the rodeo so I knew what to expect. But this was a whole other level. There was no ‘education’ component to it. It was all propaganda for the most subversive, radical movements in American society. It was, from the first, an orgy of hard left poison. Colonialism! LGBT! Welfare! Socialism! Climate! Refugees! Islamic! Native American! Manhattan is actually Native American land – don’t ya know? The valedictorian from the graduation and post-grad ceremonies both were students at the NYU Dept.of Social and Cultural Analysis, the notorious school that recently ended its official relationaship with the Tel Aviv campus.

Anonymous ID: 55523d May 31, 2019, 10:15 p.m. No.6643129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3141 >>3166 >>3211

Bikers Will Descend on Washington if Democrats Try to Impeach Trump, Says ‘Rolling Thunder’ Head


Organizers of the Rolling Thunder motorcycle ride predicts bikers will descend on Washington if Democrats try to impeach President Trump.


“I think he’s doing a great job, and I wish Nancy Pelosi and her cronies would get off his back,” Rolling Thunder executive director Artie Muller told the Washington Examiner.


Rolling Thunder First Amendment Demonstration Run participants recently had their final ride through the nation’s capital this past Memorial Day weekend, the Examiner reported. They have been gathering yearly for the ride since 1988.


Muller said that if Democrats ever managed to move into impeachment proceedings, other patriotic Americans would descend along with bikers on Washington, the Examiner reported.


The purpose of the yearly Rolling Thunder event is to “bring awareness and accountability for POWs and MIAs left behind,” according to the organization’s website, which says that there are still 86,521 military personnel that remain unaccounted for from wars and military conflicts that go back to World War I.


Muller is a 74-year-old former Army sergeant. He served during the Vietnam War, the Examiner reported. He said he feels that President Trump “speaks the truth” and that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is an “arrogant little [expletive].”


He said that certain Democratic Party leaders need to be investigated, not Trump.


“Same with Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi should open up their closets and put some charges against them,” he added, via the Examiner.

Anonymous ID: 55523d May 31, 2019, 10:20 p.m. No.6643153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3182


The left is now against Zionism they are trying to blend the lines so to force those on the right to support Israel. I'll post what ever the fuck I like btw this is a free speech zone.


Oh and fuck Zionism.

Anonymous ID: 55523d May 31, 2019, 10:27 p.m. No.6643196   🗄️.is 🔗kun


cool man, I'm well aware how it can get around here!


GP is like Breitbart 50% worthwhile news and the rest pushing an agenda for you know who