>Yeah, that's a bit of a stretch
It means something
When has POTUS used a hyphen with WITCH HUNT?
Someone should meme this bitch with a cape because he thinks he's a superhero
> Remember don't get into the messenger, get into the message
From Clown Op WAPO?
Arnold maybe? Another clown, although perhaps not technically C_A
Whoradopoulos is and imbecile with an over inflated sense of self
I don't trust anything he says
>Ask yourself where we might be without his testimony.
He's just really not that important
Spying and FISA abuse began long before that doofus showed up
DS made him a patsy because they realized how stoopid he is
>POTUS called him a coffe boy, so there's that.
POTUS, while speaking with Hannity live a few weeks ago came just short of calling hom a complete imbecile
Something more along the lines of not so bright
Whoradopulos whines a lot now that POTUS hasn't endorsed his book // insinuates POTUS should show his gratitude to him
>page and (plant) popa d might be useful right now to bring to the light Husseingate
Likely true // annoying as he is // I hope he is NEVER near POTUS again though
>but in the long term I think a few of these spy baits are not who we think they are
I agree
Some anons seem to hero worship Whoradopoulos // they probably don;t see all he tweets and to know what an absolute ass he is
>Hannity interrupted, karma, icing on the cake
What did we miss?
No big deal not see him
Bigger issue that Fox seems complicit in cutting Hannity's show short
>What is a HOV Violation?
>Hannity sounds drunker than I am. Something's up with his speech. Just me? Listen after the commercial, or dig the commercial - they're all comped.
May I offer you a mirror?
Hannity sounds GREAT
> Stupid cunts think we can't spot them..
Someone specifically asked about a female shooter you fucking buffoon
Q posted about Nasim