Anonymous ID: 53b29b June 1, 2019, 6:20 a.m. No.6644553   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4564 >>4570 >>4632 >>4646 >>4664 >>4674 >>4700 >>4771

Devin Nunes calls 'fraud,' citing difference between Mueller report, Dowd transcript


U.S. Rep. Devin Nunes called for the release of “all backup and source information” for the Mueller report on Friday after a newly released transcript of a former Trump lawyer's voicemail message included content that did not appear in a version that was part of the special counsel's Russia investigation findings.


“It’s all a fraud,” Nunes wrote on Twitter, referring to the Mueller report, to which the California Republican referred using the hashtag #muellerdossier.


Nunes, ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, was reacting to the release of a voicemail message that John Dowd, a former lawyer for President Trump, had left for a lawyer representing former national security adviser Michael Flynn, in which Dowd asks for a “heads up” if Flynn planned to say anything damaging about Trump to Mueller’s team.


Nunes retweeted a side-by-side comparison of the Dowd transcript text and the Mueller report text, suggesting that the Mueller report did not disclose the full Dowd message. The Mueller had redacted the part of the voicemail where Dowd said he wanted the heads up “not only for the president but for the country” and that he wasn’t asking for “any confidential information.”

Anonymous ID: 53b29b June 1, 2019, 7:04 a.m. No.6644722   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Rolling Thunder chief predicts biker descent on DC if Dems impeach Trump


Leaders of the veterans group Rolling Thunder are poised to roar back to Washington to defend President Trump if Democrats move to impeach him.


They say Trump hasn't changed their mind about ending their annual massive Memorial Day biker gathering. But some bikers will be back to demand House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., halt impeachment proceedings if she cranks them up.


“I think he's doing a great job, and I wish Nancy Pelosi and her cronies would get off his back,” executive director Artie Muller said Thursday after returning to New Jersey from the group’s final planned national gathering in Washington.


Muller predicted a large convergence that would feature “not just bikers, but patriotic Americans.”


Muller, 74, a former Army sergeant who served in Vietnam, said he appreciates that Trump “speaks the truth” and said he considers Pelosi an “arrogant little bitch.”


“Same with Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi should open up their closets and put some charges against them,” he said.


Muller is likely to be joined by throngs of fellow bikers if a pro-Trump rally were to take place. Many members of the POW/MIA organization are fiercely supportive of Trump, even if they are sticking to their plan to fragment the Memorial Day gathering into regional rides after 32 years of descending on Washington.