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Even after GOP, Democrat endorsements, Chesapeake candidates tout independence
Several people on the May 1 ballot are campaigning on a promise of independence. But that didn’t stop some from accepting political party endorsements, which typically carry plenty of clout in Chesapeake.
That list includes mayoral candidate Jo Anne Gallant, who recently received the Chesapeake Democratic Committee’s support. At candidate forums and online, Gallant has touted being an independent.
“I’m not affiliated with any party,” Gallant said at a forum earlier this month. “I’m hoping to bring common sense back to politics.”
On her website, Gallant says she’s a registered independent voter, likening it to a swing vote in the game show “Survivor.”
“When you are not bound by your alliance, you are FREE to vote your conscience,” the website says.
By phone last week, Gallant said she doesn’t see her recent endorsement as tying her to a party.
“This does not mean that I’m now Democratic,” Gallant said. “They are not running an opponent this year, so they have chosen to endorse me.”
While state law requires mayoral, City Council and School Board races to be nonpartisan and voters won’t see any affiliation on the ballot, parties can endorse candidates.
Months ago, Republicans made their 12 picks, including current Mayor Rick West. Democrats finalized their eight choices this month; former councilman Gene Waters, who ran as an independent in 2016, is on that list, as well as a 19-year-old Western Branch student, Luis Padilla, who is running for a seat on the School Board.
Chesapeake Democratic Committee policy says that “at times, it may be prudent to endorse an independent when Democratic candidates are lacking.”
Waters said the committee is a strong supporter of community issues – one of the things he stands for as a candidate.
“I’m still not part of a political organization, but that organization supports my cause,” he said.
Gallant has publicly aligned herself with three other newcomers on an independent ticket – David Schleeper, Mary Lou Burke and Jennifer Barnes. Schleeper said he’s “very much indifferent” to Gallant’s party endorsement – she’s still an independent candidate that Democrats have chosen to support.
“At the end of the day, it’s our individual campaigns and we make our own choices,” he said. “If she feels like this is what’s best for her to win, then I support her in it.”
Gallant thinks the support could give her a leg up in the wake of strong recent Democratic turnout – Gov. Ralph Northam won the city last November – but said she has received no financial backing from the party.
All nine School Board members are GOP-backed, while seven of nine council members have that party’s support. Democrat-endorsed Ella Ward and Dwight Parker are the exceptions. Republican-backed Lonnie Craig and Suzy Kelly are not seeking re-election.
But Bryan “Bubba” Miles, a board candidate, said he senses voters aren’t too concerned with endorsements this year. He interviewed with Democratic leaders but turned down their backing. He said he has focused his campaign on being independent and wanted to remain that way.
“In this area here, it is ripe for somebody who isn’t party affiliated,” Miles said.
Other endorsed candidates say they’ll be nonpartisan if elected. Board member Christie New Craig said she thinks about what is best for students and the school system when making choices, and has never had the party tell her how to vote.
“I answer to the voters,” she said.
Gallant said she has heard negative comments from people implying she has jumped the independent ship. She doesn’t see it that way.
“If the Hair Club for Men decided to endorse me, that doesn’t mean I’m a bald male.”