Anonymous ID: a621bf June 1, 2019, 6:58 a.m. No.6644699   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6643717 PB on Notable :Edward Snowden delivers message….:


There is no video of this?


Means someone wants to cherry pick what he says to the people WW.

Anonymous ID: a621bf June 1, 2019, 7:28 a.m. No.6644829   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good post anon. It's good to define these things for newbies and normies when they get here. There are plenty of people in the world who don't know what a False Flag is, and how long governments have used this historical tactic to force their own populations into war, by deception. (Think weapons of mass destruction media/CIA false flag)


It is ESPECIALLY effective, it seems, when innocent people DO die if a war is wanted by the powers that be. (Think 911).


Today, it seems that many of the False Flags are "attempted" false flags [eg. the underwear bomber] where the perpetrator is caught, and the prosecution of said perpetrator fades in the news. (Keeps the population thinking that the police state is necessary, when we had a free nation that lived quite well without a police state).


When "terrorists" fail, there is no big investigation. It seems to stay localized.

…. and obviously, the local law can be bought off ahead of time.


They have tried crisis actors, true, but, they keep getting caught doing this, because of the internet, and private people with facial recognition technology.


Seems to me that the only answer here, globally, is to have ALL government officials and corporations and private NGO actors surveilled at all times, and make private meetings of wealthy people illegal.


It sounds unAmerican, but, fact is, the top 1% of the people who have money, or political status, have a weapon that is a threat to the global population as a whole. We would not let these folks have nukes without surveilance. We should not let them have the capacity to murder so many at once, without surveilance.

They can pay underlings to murder their enemies (and we need to pick up that phone calle "for hire".

They can pay to frame their enemies for a crime (and we need to catch them doing this).

They can pay not to have to live under the rule of law. And when they plan murder, it is often on a national scale in the millions, (lies for war) proving the wealthy people on the planet are always the most extremely dangerous people to everyone everywhere.


That kind of power is not deserved in a free nation….or a free world… the power to break the law, and murder multiple people to millions of people without consequence.


I would submit that at a certain point, weathy people should have zero privacy rights Constitutionally, and globally.


They sure have no problem making sure "we the people" have no privacy.

Time to turn the big surveillance guns on the people who do the most planetary damage with their wealth, greed, corporations, and corrupt actions.

I think everything they are doing from waking hours to sleep, should be live streamed so the world can keep an eye on them. This would include the Pope, the Queen, etc.

I think refusal to wear a live stream should be an instant jail sentence for all of them, from the CEO's of Monsanto, to the National leaders of every nation.