>Netflix NFLX, -2.44% and Disney DIS, -0.12%
Did we just find a way to put those ahole companies out of business?
>Netflix NFLX, -2.44% and Disney DIS, -0.12%
Did we just find a way to put those ahole companies out of business?
Another Cylon model spun off from the 8's.
Your missing the point.
To too fucking idiotic to realize a sarcastic comment.
Stop linking me to your fucking pathetic bullshit..fuck off.
Reply again and your shill and filtered.
No, I'm having problem with the lack of discernment over a sarcastic remark.
And now look at where YOU have elevated the whole point.
Learn to recognise them!
Ironic, isn't it…a 'sanctuary state' not giving sanctuary to unborn citizens.
Abortion seekers welcome in this state, governor says
Media has public ‘completely bullied’ to think ‘certain things’: Kanye West
Sauce, please.
Easier for her handlers to control.
Well, that's 1 handler, but I did say 'handlerS'. KEK!
>Doesn't Hannity say exactly the same thing on his show every night?
Anon's do the EXACT same thing here…EVERYDAY.
So what's your point?