Anonymous ID: 505d8f June 1, 2019, 8:09 a.m. No.6645056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5106 >>5218 >>5275 >>5363

Is Maggie Haberman somehow linked to Princess Diana's murder? Via her handlers (conductors)?


>Once in the tunnel, there is no going back.


I have been looking at old news pieces about Diana and came across the very odd one from Maggie in 2001 - - pic. I'm sure that there is a lot to decode in there.


James Hewitt.. when he got word that his former lover had died – and it quashed his fun time, the London Sun reported


“We knew we couldn’t go to the beach or anything after that . . . It spoiled the afternoon, really,” he said at an East London art gallery, where he was viewing a portrait of Di made from models of smashed cars


“We were supposed to go watch the bull-fighting that afternoon,” Hewitt reportedly said


A year ago, Hewitt described the Paris smash-up … as a “good career move” for the former Princess of Wales.


The Sun also claims Hewitt recently bragged about re-enacting the scene of the crash – and concluding that the fact that he didn’t die proves the deaths weren’t an accident.


She mentions the London Sun paper as far as I can see that went out of business in 1843 and in the second pic she mentions the Sunday Mirror of London, can't find anything online about a portrait of Diana made from models of smashed cars or Hewitt in Spain back then.



Anonymous ID: 505d8f June 1, 2019, 8:19 a.m. No.6645106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5117 >>5194



Old news. Have a look at


>Smoking can be bad for your health.


>we'll assume you're on fire and take the appropriate action


9:15 Incredible risk taker, on the edge, pick on landmines, risks in personal life. Risktaker/survior.

10:20 She revealed herself in a rather dangerous and risk taking way


12:40 Fame that is red hot - that burns.

16:30 - 58 - In that great tradition of people dying young. Freeze.

17:10 it all turned to ashes

18:48 She burned out at exactly the right moment … relationship all turn to ashes, a blessed release (wtf)

19:25 She was going to flame out


29:46 Tony Blair, hes going to be our Bill Cliinton, dashing young PM.


She was getting too hot, did initally think popular but nah - was she causing trouble with the arms industry etc with the landmine campaign etc, she was spreading peace and the world was watching? They didnt like that and had to kill her. Still going with this one ..