>QFS Off-World Monetary System
So you expect us to agree to be financially anally probed by aliens now? At least jews spend their money on Earth.
>QFS Off-World Monetary System
So you expect us to agree to be financially anally probed by aliens now? At least jews spend their money on Earth.
>the name of shooter is wats killin me, dewayne craddock.
>โฆLV FF "shooter" Stephen Paddock..last names a possible message of some sort?
Good chance it's just another hoaxcrime. They always seem to have weird ass names.
>If Trump was for the people, why hasn't he abolished the IRS after it was proven in court by private investigators Doyle & Moynihan, that the Clinton Foundation committed at least $2.5 million in tax fraud and the IRS did nothing but turn a blind eye? YET it's ok for regular citizens to still be robbed by the IRS? Explain that oneโฆ Why hasn't POTUS ended the FED? WHY HASN'T POTUS MADE IT ILLEGAL TO CENSOR AND FILTER FREE SPEECH ON SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS OR PUBLISHERS? When these questions are ignored by POTUS, that means he's just another NWO, ILLUMINATI SCUM AND ANOTHER REPTILIAN DEMON.
>Patriots don't ask for money right Q?
>Then why does Donald ask for donations 5-7 times a week by email? BECAUSE HE'S FUCKING SELLOUT PIECE OF SHIT.
He's just an actor like almost everyone else you see on tv. If you want to know why Trump does what he does ask the director.
>"I deeply care about you dead mom and all, butโฆ"
>"and all" gives a hint of dismissiveness, I think.
Definitely moving into hoaxcrime territory.
>my new hobby is telling white people on the internet to go back to africa, liberals especially. it pisses them off but they have to pretend to be honored somehow so they turn into lil rhetorical pretzels to get there. rednecks are fun too because at first they agree that somebody needs to gtfb to africa until they realize its THEM. fun to watch ^^
Well if all of humanity was supposed to have originated there then we should go there. If the Africans start giving us dramas over it just call them black supremacists and racists.
>Seriously kill yourself faggot and fuck off back buttbart
What the fuck is your problem dickhead?
>If blacks chinks and whites all came from Africa we wouldn't be this fucking different retard
>Stop repeating leftist horseshit like the "Africa theory"
I see you are just fully retarded and autistic. With piss poor reading skills.
>Many of the apparently attractive females in TV, movies, entertainment that men feel sexual attraction for are in fact genetically male transsexuals that were put into their role from a tender age by illuminati parents. How that that feel, guyAnons, that you have been fapping over disgusting transsexuals for your entire life? And the reveal that illuminati parents do this to their kids, and have been doing so for millenia, is a second shocker. But would it put 99% in the hospital? No, just <50%.
So you think transgender surgery is thousands of years old? I'm sure there's been a heap of males presented as females on tv and movies with or without surgery but I don't believe the surgery is that old.
>As if that ever worked
>Fuck off retard
Works well on Whites. Race is just a social construct so it will work on Africans cocksucker.
>HOLY SHIT, Fox News said "Virginia Beach was suppose to do an ACTIVE SHOOTER DRILL today! SADLY, AN ACTIVE SHOOTER CAME A DAY EARLY!
>Anyone STILL questioning if it was a DS FF?
It's a hoaxcrime not a false flag. FF would mean it actually happened but wrong person was blamed.