Anonymous ID: 76e04f June 1, 2019, 8:47 a.m. No.6645254   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Has some real gems about Secret Space Program disclosure coming SoonTM.


"And I want to thank Secretary Wilson for the introduction and for her two years of service as the first graduate of the academy to be the very important Secretary of the Air Force at a time when we’ve really expanded out the Air Force and bought equipment like you’ve never seen before. "


Never seen before to USAF officers? Hints hints.


"We’re also grateful to be joined by Commander of U.S. Strategic Command, General John Hyten. General, thank you very much. (Applause.) Spent a lot of time together talking about things. "


What's POTUS chatting with the king of NORAD about, hmmm?


Also, utter loads of baseball references, this seems like code language, but I'm baffled over how it ties in. Go go gadget digs!

Anonymous ID: 76e04f June 1, 2019, 9:08 a.m. No.6645397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5408 >>5431


Yep, human bodies and minds, alien souls working to aid humanity. If you get curious, other anons, go do some digging on starseeds.


There are a lot of races out there with karmic ties to humanity that are pretty desperate to help us fix our shit. They fucked around with us in the past, made problems, got bad karma, and are now working to help us grow, so they can do the same.


Just because ET arent obvious, doesn't mean they arent here.


Anonymous ID: 76e04f June 1, 2019, 9:22 a.m. No.6645497   🗄️.is 🔗kun





From my research, the pleiadians did an evac on humanity at some point in the past. They saw that the sun was becoming unstable, and took the precaution of clearing us out. They didn't realize that the solar event was going to produce an energetic change on us, play a genetic version of kickstart my heart, and let us surpass the ETs who were oppressing us.


….and they fucked up, setting our species back a few millennia, and trying their further development to ours, because karma is a bitch.


Same with the blue avians, who screwed around with us during ancient Egyptian times, built some pyramids, and realized they had also punched humanity, the tar baby of the galaxy.


Hence the help of other races in our current shitstorm. A lot of my research was from the Law of One material, and just poking the internet with a good bullshit filter on. o7