Anonymous ID: 0172b9 June 1, 2019, 9:58 a.m. No.6645735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5759 >>5838 >>5844 >>5963 >>6068 >>6254 >>6346

Judy Shelton: Who Is Trump’s Newest Fed Pick?


Would President Donald Trump’s recent Federal Reserve nominees lead the Mises wing of the Libertarian Party? No. Have his picks been interesting to say the least? Yes. Though far from being reincarnations of Murray Rothbard or disciples of Walter Block, the last couple of nominations have been an improvement from the typical Keynesian, status quo selections who advocate more of the same.


Up until the media tried to destroy his professional life, Stephen Moore supported a return to the gold standard. Before withdrawing from consideration to work at the Fed, Herman Cain was vocal about adopting a sound money policy – and he is black, something the left has been whining about for the last couple of years. Trump’s latest nominee is a mixed bag, but she has been a staunch critic of the Eccles Building, and that is essential at a time when the central bank has had carte blanche to manipulate interest rates, expand the money supply, and produce bubbles.


Who is this person, and will she survive the media firestorm heading her way?


Judy Shelton


Gimme Judy Shelton

According to Bloomberg, the White House is considering conservative economist Judy Shelton to fill one of the two vacancies on the Fed’s Board of Governors. She reportedly met with Larry Kudlow, the director of the National Economic Council, but Shelton has not met with the president.


Shelton presently acts as the U.S. executive director for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Previously, she was an adviser to the Trump campaign and worked at the Sound Money Project, a group founded in 2009 to perform research and promote awareness regarding monetary stability and financial privacy. Shelton also penned two books, including The Coming Soviet Crash, which examined the Russian economy and its collapse.


In April, Shelton wrote an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal, titled “The Case for Monetary Regime Change.” Her supposition was that it is “entirely prudent to question the infallibility of the Federal Reserve in calibrating the money supply to the needs of the economy.” Why? She accurately blamed the Fed’s “influence over the creation of money and credit” for the 2008 financial crisis.


Last year, she wrote in a Cato Institute paper: “We make America great again by making America’s money great again.” One way to achieve this, she suggested, is to link the U.S. dollar to gold or another commodity rather than blanket trust in the federal government.


Speaking in an interview with Fortune during the 2016 election campaign, Shelton was blunt in calling for “a fundamental reassessment of the global monetary order.” She outlined her concerns over central banks around the world acquiring corporate assets and the Federal Reserve prolonging the normalization of interest rates. The economist ultimately believes that the central bank is the “biggest risk” to the economy. “I think it’s perfectly legitimate to question whether the current monetary system we have is working, and whether we’ve solved the imbalances that led to the last crisis,” she said. That is some serious libertarian, anti-globalist speak that the Fed needs right now. Of course, there is always a but…

Anonymous ID: 0172b9 June 1, 2019, 10:01 a.m. No.6645755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5963 >>6068 >>6254 >>6288 >>6311 >>6331

The News Friday on US Attorney Huber Proves Jeff Sessions Was Not Compromised But Was Part of the Coup


During his interview with CBS on Friday Attorney General William Barr disclosed that the Huber investigation was over.

Huber was assigned to look at FISA applications and the electronic surveillance during the 2016 election and actions by Hillary Clinton.

Huber did not even start his investigation.

He didn’t do a damn thing!

AG Barr said this morning on CBS News that Huber did nothing and his work was taken over by the team he set up under US Attorney John Durham:

JAN CRAWFORD: Um, what’s the status of Huber’s investigation in Utah? I think the former Attorney General Sessions had asked him to look at this.


WILLIAM BARR: Right, so Huber had originally been asked to take a look at the FISA applications and the electronic surveillance but then he stood back and put that on hold while the Office of Inspector General was conducting its review, which would’ve been normal for the department. And he was essentially on standby in case Mr. Horowitz referred a matter to him to be handled criminally. So he has not been active on this front in recent months and so Durham is taking over that role. The other issues he’s been working on relate to Hillary Clinton. Those are winding down and hopefully we’ll be in a position to bring those to fruition.


JAN CRAWFORD: So he won’t be involved in this really at all then?




JAN CRAWFORD: This is his role, it’s done?




JAN CRAWFORD: And now Durham is going to pick up–


WILLIAM BARR: Yes, right.


We reported this on Huber three days earlier from an interview of Joe diGenova and AG Barr has confirmed it.


This confirms what we long suspected.

Anonymous ID: 0172b9 June 1, 2019, 10:19 a.m. No.6645851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5858


I live in California where the destruction of democrat policies are visible. It's easy here to tell people what we "could have" versus what we have.(deport millions).I agree with you Trump needs to tell people we could have more police, boarder patrol, better schools, etc

Anonymous ID: 0172b9 June 1, 2019, 10:24 a.m. No.6645874   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5932 >>5963 >>6068 >>6254 >>6346

7-year-old boy raises $22,000 for Trump's border wall


(KOAT/CNN/Meredith) – A seven-year-old Texas boy raised $22,000 for President Donald Trump’s border wall by selling hot chocolate.


Benton Stevens of Austin said even though he has already raised so much, his goal is $50,000.


As for his inspiration, he said he "saw that Trump really wanted to build a wall."


Construction continues on the privately-funded section of the border wall in Sunland Park, New Mexico.


A GoFundMe campaign started by the nonprofit group We Build The Wall, Inc. started in December and has since raised over $23 million. The group was founded by Purple Heart recipient and triple-amputee veteran Brian Kolfage.


Perhaps with Benton’s large donation, he might be one of the campaign’s biggest supporters.


The construction of the privately-funded section of the wall has met controversy. We Build The Wall, Inc. was served with a cease and desist order from the local government.


But, the group insists they have all the necessary permits and approvals and the wall is under full compliance with local laws.


The group says they will continue to add onto the border wall.