Anonymous ID: 0ca9b0 June 1, 2019, 10:09 a.m. No.6645801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5807 >>5910 >>5986 >>6019 >>6047

The controllers, in this case the Rockefellers [who believe or at least teach their children that they plan to help the world not destroy it] used the infor gathered over the years on the affects of Electronic Media, in this case TV Medium, to staged the "9/11 Trauma" psychological event / mis-direction.

How were they so sure it would succeed?

That I don't know. But I know they were certain.

It was a well-planned out and cunning con.

With Tucker doing the "UFO" revelation show last night; and the Cabal Team "on the ropes" in their battle with DJT POTUS, could they be setting the stage for the "Project Bluebeam" and the alleged warning by Oppenheimer to his secretary, that the ultimate fake enemy to control the population would be "Aliens?"


"Some debris from the crash fell to the streets below, sending pedestrians scurrying for cover, but most fell onto the building's setbacks on the fifth floor. The bulk of the wreckage, however, remained stuck in the side of the building."


Two images from the fighter plane hitting the Empire State bld. don't match. So they already know they can manipulate how the public construes events by their "coverage"?


News Media is the top technology for mind control.


"The War of the Worlds (radio drama)


That event seems to now be understood on at least 5 levels and was related to the study of propaganda for business and to get the US into World War II:


  1. Dramatic Orson Welles radio show intended to move an audience


  1. Rockefeller funded Princeton study to see how influenced a population could be by an emotionally powerful media


  1. The real manipulation was to test whether people would believe that others would believe the performance was real and


become hysterical. Early investigation into shifting a population's beliefs about other people!


  1. Denial of the panic as "fake news" and a "naturally arising" myth


  1. Claim that newspaper stories created the myth because "radio was a threat to newspapers" and they wanted to discredit it.


>>6644910 pb


>>6644864 pb


>>6644931 pb "

Anonymous ID: 0ca9b0 June 1, 2019, 10:31 a.m. No.6645910   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Regarding the 1945 strike by the B-25 bomber onto the side of the Empire State Bld.


Regarding Hannity, and criticism of many anons that he repeats and goes too slow?

Hannity knows very well his audience, He is virtually ALONE, or has been for a few years, covering this "coup against POTUS Trump"

If you are alone, saying something no one else is saying, people will not pick up the info. The info will not register… Why ?

Since what they found by studying the "War of the Worlds" i.e. "It's not what YOU think, it's what EVERYBODY thinks"

Therefor Hannity repeats to pound it into their skulls, otherwise they will forget. There is no other sources giving the news he gives. So he has to be his own re-enforcement.

He knows what he is doing. And that's why.


Remember how they repeated the "plane hitting the building" for three days in a row after 9/11 - on every channel? They did it from so many angles and with such saturation and constantcy that the TV event gave the impression of "Many planes hitting Many blds" ? But it was only the South Tower.