Anonymous ID: 37a05d June 1, 2019, 11:43 a.m. No.6646319   🗄️.is 🔗kun



There are multiple anons here who have deep faith but completely shun organized religion. Don't equate organized religion with God or Jesus or the Bible. You don't need a church or a pastor/priest/minister telling you what to believe. If you want to understand the Bible, read the Bible. If you feel the need to read commentaries by others, by all means read them, but use the same powers of analysis that you are nurturing here. Is rage really the most useful response?

Anonymous ID: 37a05d June 1, 2019, 11:44 a.m. No.6646326   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6646268 Still think the wild haired raver will have his day in the docket at Gitmo. This for activities going back far into the past, stuff that is on tape. Let alone the fact that he knows very well how many millions have been murdered by people he idolizes & quotes. He prolly thinks he will play pretend prez candidate one final time, then stroll off into the sunset as Mueller is trying to do. Don't think so, you fake intellectual, fake politician & fake American. You can't make cynical lifelong appeals to illiterates, helping damage the nation and western civ, say, "Well, it was a good run," and then retire to your hypocritically acquired wealth. Suck it, fakester.