Anonymous ID: 4ede6f June 1, 2019, 10:56 a.m. No.6646062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6131 >>6153 >>6159 >>6282 >>6319 >>6350

I just wanted to put this out there. Not sure if anyone actually gives a shit but I feel bad so I'm going to do it anyway.

Anyone who has been on these boards in the last 1-2 years has been called a moron or retard by me at least once because of religion. Probably several times let's be honest. For that I apologize.

Bible quotes as fact…Jesus this Jesus that…sigh. I just want you to know that all of that has been frustration on my part.This is 1000% all THEIR fault. I hate these people so much for what they have done…it's a blinding white rage. I come in here to try to wake people up and it doesn't take much to set me off. That's all my own bullshit and is in no way a reflection of you or your intelligence.


The church is the control system. The church creates all the negative energy on this planet. It's all based on fear and guilt. They tell you your a piece of shit so you better show up with some cash every Sunday if you don't want to burn in hell for eternity. That's so wrong. How could you do that to people? It makes me sick.


They created a system where the only way they can be stopped is if people wake up and are willing to throw out everything they have ever known. That's why this has gone on for so long. The things these people have done…unfathomable. The crimes against children…there are no words.


I come on these boards and lose my shit because people always fall back on their "faith" and that's the biggest problem. Because their "faith" is in the church. Not God.


I swear no matter how many times I've called people morons or retards I've always been on their side. I always will. There are only 2 sides and I'm not going over there. Those people are gross. I'll jump out of the universe before I go over there.


I don't have many answers but what I do know is that Organized Religion is Satanic and always has been. 6000+ religions on this planet and the big secret is that they all lead to the same place.

That stupid red winged sun. The "elites" secret star.

It's made out of red iron oxide which is why they are obsessed with blood. Iron.

Rule with an Iron Fist. They are insane. This is a Cult. This sun is the devil. In reality it's not a god of Anything it's some Jenky ass rock. But this is what the devil is based on. This is Christ. I'm sorry but it is. If Jesus did exist he was someone trying to wake people up and more than likely was sacrificed to this stupid thing. Then they changed the story around to make it seem like they were on his side.

To make it seem like they aren't pure unfiltered garbage. They are. Their crimes will make you throw up. They can't get any worse…that's why this has to stop.

The darkness of this world comes from religion.

All the wars and constant fighting are because of religion. This is by design. It keeps us divided. How many "elites" children go off to die in pointless wars? None.

All this stuff with bloodlines…horseshit. The "elites" need to rule by bloodline because they are a bunch of inbred morons at this point. They can't compete so they stick to their fake made up control system.

It's fake. It's the wizard of Oz. In reality the wizard is a little bitch. It's laughable.

I don't know how this is going to all play out…but we have an opportunity to stop this awful AWFUL nonsense.

It seems like good people always get screwed in the end and that hurts my heart. It really does.

But all the negativity comes from the system that is set up on this little blue pearl we call Earth. And the thing is the outcome might be fucking awesome. That's the thing. We have no idea. We forgot who we were. We have been lied to about Everything.

I just know that we have nothing to lose. We are slaves to pedophiles and child murderers. IT CANT


I'll shut up now. I'm going on and on like I know everything and I don't. Clearly. But I know the church is evil. I know it's intent. And it makes me absolutely sick.

The only reason "churches" were set up was so they could take people's money. These degenerates were too lazy to go around asking for money so they came up with the idea of the House of God. We go to them and give them our money. They keep it TAX FREE. They never work. They rape and drink childrens blood full time.


YOU are the House of God. YOU are Gods creation. Gnosis. What's in your heart is what matters. Your creator is always with you because you are a small piece of God.

The "Church" is the house of the devil and the devil is the red winged sun.