Anonymous ID: 5c421f June 1, 2019, 11:13 a.m. No.6646148   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6378



‘’’Probable remote controlled car murder’’’


‘’’Something does not sit right about the fatal car accident involving Spanish soccer star Joseph Antonio Reyes. The accident obviously happened at about 150 mph and the story does not wash.’’’ See:


Adding to this is that even the MSM is using stock photos of the car crash on occasion, with the report I linked being one that actually shows what happened to that car. It had a strong roll cage and was stripped clean of parts, INCLUDING ALL 4 TIRES AND RIMS, during the crash. What kind of accident would erase a car like that?


His background was that he was an athletic married family guy, in the car with family. The lone survivor of the crash "died at the hospital". ‘’’PERFECT’’’. AND WORSE? ‘’’Within two hours of the crash, Wikipedia had his death and total life story already arranged and told. They probably had it even earlier, that's just when I saw it.’’’ That's not possible unless they had it all prepped ahead of time, you can't do that kind of perfect write up on someone that fast unless you know ahead of time what is going to happen. My guess is that someone had a reason to do him in, most likely he was an icon that was holding someone's agenda back.


The very first thing that hit me when I heard about this, straight from the gut is "lane assist" hijack. His car had ALL THAT which means an accident of the type that happened was impossible, he simply went straight off a perfectly marked out highway at probably the max his car could possibly do. ‘’’SORRY MSM, I AM NOT BUYING THE OFFICIAL STORY WITH THIS’’’, the same way I did not buy the official story of Steve Irwin or the death of Elvis. Both Elvis and Irwin had to be taken out because they were stabilizers of the societies they were a part of - Elvis being the fabric of Americana and Steve Irwin totally defining what it was to NOT be a snowflake. Steve Irwin's death is better explained by a shark dart through the heart, not a damn stingray, the guy was not an idiot.


At any rate, I can't get any info on what this soccer star stood for, only that he was a family guy that was TOTALLY famous, that his car was smart enough to not allow this type of accident, and that he had family in the car, not a bunch of companion dopers. It makes little sense being a supreme athlete that he'd get high enough or drunk enough to crash his car or irresponsible enough to crash it this way, especially in this manner, ESPECIALLY since his car was wired to not let this type of accident happen. So I am going to call this one: ‘’’DAMN THAT "LANE ASSIST." ‘’’


‘’’YES, with that nice NSA database Israel has access to that is outlined in the next report, they have ALL the car codes, ALL the registration data, ALL the history of everyone's life including everything their competition stands for, and without question, any time it was possible to murder someone with their car, they did and then slandered them as "drunks". They did not end up "owning everything" by being smarter than the rest of us, anyone could get ahead with the NSA fueled advantage they had.’’’


‘’’I have noticed recently people commenting on how the Jews "own everything" now. They do. And they did not do it by "being the best". Here is how it was done:’’’


‘’’RT: NSA handed ALL data on ALL Americans over to Israel’’’


This included ALL data on government officials with the agreement that "Israel would respect that data and delete it".


Obviously they did not delete it, because they used that data when Obama was in, to fully corrupt the entire U.S. government. Any government official that was not 100 percent in lock step with destroying the United States got removed from office and replaced with one that was. This NSA list is probably how Obama purged the command structure of the U.S. military of so many decent people.


But it is worse than that. Israel got handed detailed profiles on ALL non-Jewish company leaders and owners and most likely everything the NSA had on all non-Jewish owned companies, including all the company contacts and supply lines. Such data could be used to bring the value of a company to zero so the Jews could buy it up for nothing and subsequently revive it. The bottom line now is that there is very little of significance the Jews don't own, and there are very few government offices, right down to the city level, that they don't own also.


This RT report is scathing, and if you read between the lines, it is obvious Israel used the NSA data exactly the way I said above. RT played it safe and did not take it to the ultimate conclusion: