Opinion Piece
Dick Morris: Trump Is Waging (and Winning) a Peaceful World War III Against China
The stakes could not be higher in President Trump’s economic trade war with China. They go far beyond any usual economic conflict and amount to an economic World War III.
The issue is not just American jobs. It is the desire of one nation to rule the world — the same paradigm as we confronted in World War II and in the Cold War.
The current global ruler is the benign United States. We seek economic power to help the nations of the world — all of them — live free from want and fear. Whatever our shortcomings, our domination is benign and important only to stop more malign contenders from getting their hands on global power.
Were China just another aspirant seeking to surpass America, wanting its turn at number one — as was Japan in the 1970s and 1980s — it would not be the matter of national security that the threat from China represents. If China’s ambition was just more wealth and power, go to it. Have at it.
But China’s aspiration to worldwide domination is anything but benign. It is a combination of Spanish mercantilism and English imperialism, seasoned with Prussian militarism and Russian expansionism. The goal is to reduce the rest of the world to colonial or dominion status, controlled politically, socially, intellectually, and economically by China.
Moar https://www.westernjournal.com/dick-morris-trump-waging-winning-peaceful-world-war-iii-china/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=deepsix&fbclid=IwAR1URQbMnWSVJUSFVQMOEv2xHEbKWliZAvXpXUguf9LB44qgYtmzjfX09eY