Anonymous ID: 89ae12 June 1, 2019, 10:18 a.m. No.6645848   🗄️.is 🔗kun


In a way maybe. But we should think through this pretty carefully, because some really evil people have used it repeatedly to harm innocent life. A person can inherit tendencies or predispositions, but exterminating anyone over their genes per se, PRIOR to any acts of evil is to become the murderous cabal ourselves. Some children seem to respond to certain food ingredients with unregulated behavior and a study done in NY showed significant declines in delinquent behavior when the school lunch programs eliminated certain ingredients (artificial colors and such, I believe). However, in a pharma controlled "medical police state" it is much more desirable to blame "criminal genes" and "control" problems with psychotropic drugging. Society may decide that certain heinous acts are egregious enough to warrant a death penalty. In that case a person GUILTY of crimes would be killed. No "death penalty" for innocent babies! I'd even argue that a "regular" murderer shouldn't face death. Where my sympathy breaks down is when a person is guilty of genocidal acts, such as contriving to make millions of American citizens drug dependent, or killing them with a prescribed pharmaceutical (Vioxx).

Anonymous ID: 89ae12 June 1, 2019, 10:23 a.m. No.6645871   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I agree with you anon. I don't rule out toxic exposures via vaccines or the environment, either. These poisons interact with our gene expression to produce the huge diversity of human phenotypes. BEHAVIORS can be punished when they are due to willful contravening of society's norms in a destructive manner, but genes should not be.

Anonymous ID: 89ae12 June 1, 2019, 10:37 a.m. No.6645946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5987


My thinking goes a bit like this: I eschew violence but make SOME possible exception to protect innocent people or your own life and property. If the US military is hamstrung to act NOW, then it tells me that there is NO place at all for violence and in that case: WHY do we have a military at all!?!


I see the clear invasion of our southern border and the obvious malevolent anti-Consitutional acts from within the highest levels of our "government" and if NOW is not the time to take it on using the military to RESTORE constitutional order, then there ISN'T one. If the military doesn't act now I think it may be the end of the US at least as far as me believing I'm a citizen of a POTENTIALLY constitutional republic.

Anonymous ID: 89ae12 June 1, 2019, 10:51 a.m. No.6646030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6101


I just think its time to speak up. To not be ignored anymore. Gazillions of dollars more for the military to protect and serve, who, exactly? I figured we'd have a wall, border security and arrests, but held on KNOWING that cleaning house at the DOJ and etc. was necessary. Everyone's need for "optics" is respected (poor misguided normies, deceived leftists) EXCEPT the patriotic followers of Q on this board?! Time for some grown-ups (or 7 year olds raising cash for the wall) to DO some shit. Maybe this IS the way we get rid of the DS: Lets do it ourselves and IGNORE worthless congress, DC, democrats, etc.

Anonymous ID: 89ae12 June 1, 2019, 11:15 a.m. No.6646159   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Wow. I'm glad you said all that and I mostly agree with you. I love Jesus, but haven't been a church member in some time. I came to see the "tithe" (give us money or your car will break down) and the "programs" (let us tell you how to raise your children) as PART of the evil/demonic control system. I finally noticed that when Jesus got angry He did it in the Temple where people were being "fleeced" in the name of their religion. He was actually VIOLENT and made a whip of cords to drive out the money-changers! What will God do to people who use the bodies of children for PROFIT and demonic gratification?!


I also have begun to see that since my sin is forgiven through Jesus, I no longer need to look at myself as some degenerate always in need of castigation over some minor offense. There is now therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ. I live this way now. When I see that Jeff Bezos is the richest man on the planet while "running" an unprofitable pile of shit that simply extracts value from smaller business and from PEOPLE, I realize that : 1. Either his wealth isn't real or 2. We can pretty much HAVE the wonderful world we desire just by doing our best to REJECT the satanic control system. There is plenty of "money" (mostly worthless) and plenty of resources, we've just been snookered out of it by believing we had to "earn" it and that we were too sinful, worthless, lazy (or whatever the shame inducing statement is) to have it.


Can we each learn to care for one another? If you have money, share it without judgement for the person who has none. If you have wisdom about health share it for the person who hasn't learned about it. If you have land, let people glean from it. If you need help with your harvest pay the worker properly, etc.