Anonymous ID: c741fb June 1, 2019, 10:22 a.m. No.6645869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5896



BATWOMAN: the consequence of more than 35 years of ideological subversion of Western culture.


With the recent release of the new Batwoman Movie Trailer, its a good time to make light of it as the consequence of more than 35 years of ideological subversion of Western culture.


Homosexual behavior, as with most other animal species, is a natural phenomenon in humans, but historically, the percentage of the population openly choosing it as a permanent life style has always been politically insignificant (<4%). What is abnormal is social engineers increasingly forcing it into human culture thru sex education programs in public schools and thru popular media, first with rock stars and now in Hollywood movies, and the newly groomed Manchurian presidential candidate, Pete Buttplug. Evidence for cultural manipulation can be seen in the map above where the percentage of the population now openly homosexual are exceedingly their historic normative boundaries.

Anonymous ID: c741fb June 1, 2019, 10:29 a.m. No.6645896   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The four steps to Ideological Subversion are Demoralization, Destabilization, Crisis, and Normalization.


What must have sounded like crazy talk 35 years ago (1984) when this interview was conducted, now sounds amazingly normal. He actually uses common terms we use today such as "social justice".


Yuri Bezmenov was a USSR KGB agent who defected to the west in 1970. In his lectures he explains the process of Ideological Subversion which is what the KGB spent the vast majority of their resources on (as opposed to Espionage).


Ideological Subversion is a four step process intended to disable your enemy to such an extent that they no longer perceive you as an enemy and can no longer defend against you.


In this way, you can defeat them without a single shot being fired. Sun Tzu described the art of Ideological Subversion as the highest form of warfare. In the final stage of Ideological


Subversion your enemy is no longer able to reconcile truthful information any longer. When presented with facts, they will dismiss them.


America has already reached this stage.


The four steps to Ideological Subversion are Demoralization, Destabilization, Crisis, and Normalization.


Demoralization takes a long time - several decades. By 1985, when Yuri lectured, he claimed that The United States had already been completely Demoralized. Meaning, the first generation to experience the overt communist propaganda had already grown up, become teachers, and were now indoctrinating a younger generation. This would be the minimum required time to complete the process - one generation. We've had successive generations of indoctrination.


The demoralization process attacks the six ideological pillars of society:




Social Life

Power Structure

Labor Relations

Law and Order


Here is how each has been fundamentally eroded or pushed to extremes.


Religion: Atheism has been pushed while Religion has been widely denounced and minimized in popular culture and media.


Religious orders have been compromised with pedophilia and corruption.


Economy: Government, monetary institutions, and trade deals have gutted manufacturing, impoverished citizens, and chained them with debt. Public and Private debt is sky rocketing.


Social Life: Social Media is the new social life. It allows for introversion, removal from community, extremism, lack of accountability, and hostility.


Power Structure: More and more power is held in the hands of unelected officials and supranational organizations with no accountability to the public.


Labor Relations: Unions and worker relationships with employers - both public and private - have become strained to the point of adversarial positions that can only be resolved through legal mediation. Situations are often worsened through the process or the positions of the union are often self-damaging (ex. Teacher Unions protecting bad teachers).


Law and Order: The public has been trained to distrust the military and police - to consider them racist, of low intelligence, and adversaries to the public.


I'll even add a 7th pillar: Gender Identity. The architects of Soviet Ideological Subversion probably couldn't have dreamed of the place we are at today with Gender Identity. A person unable to reconcile their biology certainly is unfit to maintain a defense against you any longer.


Following the Demoralization process is Destabilization.


During this period all conflicts become irreconcilable between individuals and organizations. We are certainly well past this stage. Any union member, HOA member, parent, teacher, employee, or employer can understand where things are at right now. There is no capacity for reason, empathy, or reconciliation between parties anymore.


Individuals would rather terminate a friendship than accept that somebody has an alternate point of view. Facebook has made this entirely too easy.


Discourse is impossible. We are on the edge of Crisis.

Crisis would have led to Normalization which is the suspension of our Rights and the rise of a Totalitarian State.

This playbook has been seen again and again and again - Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, and more.

I believe that we were very close to this Vision for America being realized on November 8th, 2016.


The Democratic Party is the party of the Progressives and the Left. The attacks occurring on the seven pillars of society

outlined above all originate from the Global Establishment and are directed through their army of Leftist Organizations.


The Establishment are not Capitalists nor are they Communists. They are Totalitarians that strive for global power. Their army is the Swamp - the Media, the Banks, the Supranational Unelected Bodies, Trade Organizations, and legions of lawyers. Their mission is to shackle America because freedom is antithesis to their Power.