Anonymous ID: 19a28b June 1, 2019, 12:55 p.m. No.6646883   🗄️.is 🔗kun

JamieR { 🎗} Army Girl ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️



5h5 hours ago


AWESOME! I’ve watched this several times and tell you that Dad’s don’t get enough credit. This video shows some SuperDad’s in action! Outstanding! ❤️🏆🙎‍♂️🙎🏾‍♂️



To all the super dads out there! Fantastic video!!

Anonymous ID: 19a28b June 1, 2019, 1:15 p.m. No.6647010   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Enough Games—They Want to Destroy Us


Mere hours after I submitted my last column arguing that Robert Mueller must be called to testify, Rachel Maddow took to the air to make the exact counter-case that I outlined and refuted in my column. No surprises there. We predicted it.


The past few days of news coverage have confirmed that the corporate leftist media and the Democrats are hellbent on uncritically warping every fact and statement to support their effort to forcibly remove a democratically elected president and to demonize anyone who may stand in their way. Reality be damned.


In a civil society, citizens may be entitled to their opinions but not to their own facts. But the past few years are evidence enough that we are no longer living in an actual civilized society. Our opponents are not engaging in good faith. They are willing and eager to destroy anyone in their way—no matter the cost.


The principle that one is innocent unless and until proven guilty has been thrown out the window as the opponents of the president demand that investigators conclusively exonerate him in order to avoid impeachment. We clearly see the moral and legal “flexibility” our opponents are willing to exhibit when they do not get their way.

And all of this comes in spite of the restraint we have demonstrated.


President Trump won after stating in the second presidential debate that he would “instruct” his “attorney general to get a special prosecutor” to look into Hillary Clinton’s “situation.” After the election, he struck a conciliatory tone in an attempt to bring the country together. His overtures were ignored as the deep state and sundry vested interests escalated their efforts to ruin his presidency.


We have acted as patient and overly indulgent parents as the media and Democrats have thrown a full-scale tantrum on the floor of our society. We have tolerated their petulant behavior for far too long. It is clear that no level of appeasement will ever appease their red-faced frenzy. And our continued leniency in the face of their nonsense poses a dire threat to our civic unity.


Cloaked in the pretension of moral and legal righteousness, our opponents continually have sought to undermine the very principles of our system of government. They will continue in this vein, using every single instance of our graciousness as a weapon against us. There is no compromise that will ever soothe their wounded egos.